Raisa Nikolaevna
Leading Researcher at the IOM RAS Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
Born April 9.1947 in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, USSR.
In 1970 R.Krapivina graduated from Belorussian State University (Minsk, Belorussia) with MA degree on History.
1970-1972 - a Teaching assistant to Professor of Philosophy at Technological Institute of Ulan-Ude.
In 1972-1980 - a researcher into the History of Buddhism in Russia at the Institute of Social Sciences (Ulan-Ude branch) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
From 1980, works at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (previously, St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies), the Russian Academy of Sciences; from 2021, a leading researcher.
In 1983 R.Krapivina received the Ph.D. degree in Tibetan Studies from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the title of the Thesis is “The Treatise by Sonam Tsemo ‘The Door to Dharma’”.
In 1991-1993 she studied at the College of Himalayan Studies of the Tribhoovan University (Kathmandu, Nepal) and received Certificate of efficiency in Spoken Tibetan.
In 1995-2005 she taught Tibetan at St.Petersburg University, the Department of Asian and African Studies.
In 1993-2005 she acted as a permanent interpreter for the Tibetan Geshe Ven. Jamyang Khentse, who teaches Buddhism in St. Petersburg.
From 2006 up to present - a lecturer in Tibetan language and literature at Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow).
Fields of special interest: the history of Tibetan school Saskya, Buddhist philosophy.
( the entire list as a *.pdf file) [1995]
Thu'u-bkwan Blo-bzang Chos-kyi Nyi-ma. The Crystal Mirror of Tenets. The Sakyapa chapter [Туган Лопсан-Чойкьи-Ньима. Хрустальное зерцало философских систем. Глава Сакьяпа]. Edited and translated from Tibetan, with Introduction and Notes by Dr R.N.Krapivina. St Petersburg, 1995. 196 p.
Bsod-nams Rtse-mo. The Door Leading Into the Teaching [Соднам-Цзэмо. Дверь, ведущая в учение. Факсимиле текста]. Translated from Tibetan, with Foreword and Notes by Dr R.Krapivina. St Petersburg 1994. 224 p.
Буддизм в переводах. Выпуск 1 / Перевод Е.А.Торчинова, М.Е.Ермакова, Р.Н.Крапивиной, И.С.Гуревич, О.С.Сорокиной, К.Ю.Солонина, А.М.Кабанова, А.В.Гаврилова. Редактор-составитель Е.А.Торчинов. СПб.: «Андреев и сыновья», 1992.
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