Andrei Vsevolodovich
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - Philology
Born on September 4, 1952 in Leningrad.
In 1978 graduated from the Department of Asian and African Studies of Leningrad State University, the section of Sanskrit studies. A pupil of Dr G.A.Zograf (Indo-Arian linguistics), Dr V.G.Erman (Pali, Sanskrit) and Dr T.E.Katenina (Sanskrit).
From 1978 to 2000 - researcher ar the Leningrad/St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Department of South and South Eastern Asian Studies.
In 1989 published a translation into Russian of the famous Indian treatice The Questions of Milinda which is of a great literary merit and provides the only evidence of the connections between the Indian and Hellenistic Civilizations. Later he translated also Buddhist jatakas from Pali.
From 2000 up to present - associate professor at the Department of Philolosjphy of St Petersburg State University, and lecturer at the Department of Asian and African Studies.
In 2004 defended the PhD dissertation entitled The System of Pali Verb.
Major research interests: Indian philosophy, Indian linguistic tradition, Buddhism, evolutionary psychology.
Milinda's Questions (Milindapañhā) [Вопросы Милинды (Милиндапаньха)] / Tr. from Pali, Introduction and Notes by Dr A.V.Paribok. Ed. by Dr V.G.Erman. Moscow 1989 (Памятники письменности Востока. LXXXVIII. Bibliotheca Buddhica. XXXVI). 485 p.