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Svetlana Leonidovna

Academic Councilor of the IOM RAS
Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - Philology
Born in Leningrad. In 1959 graduated from the Department Department of Asian and African Studies of Leningrad State University (the section of Indian Philology), and, from that time up to 2016, worked at the IOM (first as junior, then as senior and now as leading researcher). Her entire research activity has been focused on the study and translation of the great ancient Indian epic poem Mahabharata. Her major research interests are the oral folklore genesis of epic poetics, myth/ritual patterns of stylistics and composition, ways of creating epic images, types of verbal communications in the epos such as monologue, dialogue and conversation.

The PhD dissertation entitled Mythology and Anthroponomy of the Ancient Indian Epos (Based on the “Mahabharata”, Book 3) was defended on April 22, 1971. It resulted in two monographs such as Mythology of the Ancient Indian Epos. The Pantheon [Мифология древнеиндийского эпоса. Пантеон]. М., 1975 and Aspects of Poetics of the Ancient Indian Epos. The Epithet and Simile [Вопросы поэтики древнеиндийского эпоса. Эпитет и сравнение]. М., 1979.

The Habilitation dissertation entitled Mahabharata. The Study of the Ancient Indian Epos [Махабхарата. Изучение древнеиндийского эпоса] was defended on April 29, 1993.

In cooperation with Prof Dr Ya.V. Vassilkov, she published annotated translations of Mahabharata, Books 3, 8, 14, 15—18 (Moscow 1987, 1990, 2003; St Petersburg 2005). The Book 10 was translated by her alone (Moscow 1998).

Moreover, she has carried out research into the contents, style and composition of the epos resulted in several dozens of papers and reports.

She has participated in a number of important conferences such as the International Congress of Sanskrit Studies (Weimar 1979; Vienna 1991), the Zograph Readings (annual conference held by the IOM’s Department of Asian and South Eastern Asian Studies on the problems of interpretation of the traditional texts), annual academic sessions of the IOM, the St Petersburg City Methodological Seminar, the Roerich Readings (Moscow).

The international acceptance of her works is proved by the publication of her first monograph in Serbian (Staroindijska mitologija. Beograd 1991) and reviews of the translations of Mahabharata, Books 3 (JAOS v.111, No 1, 1991) and 8 (Studia Orientalia v.70, 1993).

Dr S.Neveleva tutored a few doctoral students, and has edited works of colleagues such as Prof Dr V.Erman, Dr Y.Kokova, Dr S.Tsvetkova, Dr V.Ivanov, Dr I.Kulganek and was the official opponent to several dissertations such as those by Dr M.Orelskaya and Dr O.Chunakova.

From 1970, she worked as a lecturer at the Department of Asian and African Studies of Leningrad State University (from 28.12.2001 Professor), and developed some special courses such as Epic Studies, Ancient Indian Literature and Mythology, Poetics of Ancient Indian Epos.

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Kulganek I. The World of Mongolian Folk Songs [Кульганек И.В. Мир монгольской народной песни]. Ed. by Dr S.L.Neveleva. St Petersburg: Петербургское Востоковедение, 2001. 224 p. (Orientalia).


Neveleva S. Mahabharata. A Study of the Early Indian Epos / Ed. by Dr G.A.Zograph. М.: «Наука», 1991. 228 p.


Mahabharata. Book 8. Of Karna (Karnaparva) [Махабхарата. Книга восьмая. О Карне. (Карнапарва)]. Tr. from Sanskrit, with introduction and notes by Y.V.Vassilkov and S.L.Neveleva. Moscow 1990 (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, XCI). 326 p.

Neveljeva S.N. Staroindijska mitologija. Beograd: “Dečja knjiga”, 1991.


Mahabharata. Book 3. The Forest Book (Aranyakaparva) [Махабхарата. Книга третья. Лесная (Араньякапарва)]. Tr. from Sanskrit, with introduction and notes by Y.V.Vassilkov and S.L.Neveleva. Moscow 1987 (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXX). 799 p.


Neveleva S.L. Aspects of Poetics of the Ancient Indian Epos. The Epithet and Simile [Вопросы поэтики древнеиндийского эпоса. Эпитет и сравнение], ed. by E.Tyomkin. М., 1979.


Neveleva S.L. Mythology of the Ancient Indian Epos. The Pantheon [Мифология древнеиндийского эпоса. Пантеон]. М., 1975. 118 p.

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