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Anniversary of A.F. Trotsevich Print E-mail

January 7, 2025 is the 95th birthday anniversary of Adelaida Fedorovna Trotsevich, IOM RAS Counselor, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, the most eminent Russian scholar of the history of traditional Korean literature.

A.F. Trotsevich is a student of Professor A.A. Kholodovich (1906–1977), the founder of the Leningrad school of Korean studies. Her entire academic career is tied to our Institute in which she started working after completing post-graduate studies in 1957.

Adelaida F. Trotsevich is one of the first Russian researchers of traditional Korean literature. In 1962 she defended her Candidate of Sciences dissertation titled “The Story of Chunhyang's Fidelity and the novel genre in Korean medieval literature” [«История о верности Чхунхян» и жанр повести в корейской средневековой литературе], and in 1983 she defended the Habilitation Dissertation titled “The Korean medieval novel” [Корейский средневековый роман].

A.F. Trotsevich translated and brought to scholarly attention many traditional Korean tales and novels such as “The Story of Chunhyang”, “Record of Lady Sa's Southward Journey”, “The Cloud Dream of the Nine”, “The Story of Chyok Syongui” and also numerous works of short fiction. In addition, she compiled the anthology “History of Flowers” [История цветов] (1991) and also edited and compiled the outstanding 10-volume series “The Golden Collection of Korean Literature” [Золотой фонд корейской литературы] (2008–2016) containing Russian translations of the most important works of traditional Korean literature.

Adelaida F. Trotsevich has published many research works on the history of Korean literature including “Essays on the history of Korean literature before the 14th century” [Очерки истории корейской литературы до XIV в.] (co-author M.E. Nikitina, 1969), “The Korean medieval novel” [Корейская средневековая повесть] (1975), “Myth and narrative prose of Korea” [Миф и сюжетная проза Кореи] (1996), and the textbook “History of traditional Korean literature before the 20th century” [История корейской традиционной литературы (до XX в.)] (2004) that is unmatched in Russian and Western scholarship in terms of scope and analytical depth. A.F. Trotsevich published numerous articles and presented her research results in national and international conferences, including the 25th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (1960), national conferences “Theoretical Issues in the Study of Far Eastern Literatures” (1970s–1980s) and the Association for Korean Studies in Europe conferences (1980s–1990s).

Traditional Korean manuscripts and xylographs constitute an important focus among her research interests. A.F. Trotsevich has brought to scholarly attention the collection of Korean manuscripts and xylographs kept at the library of the Faculty of Asian and African studies of the Saint Petersburg State University. She also prepared a new description of the Korean collection at the IOM RAS Department of Manuscripts and Documents and studied its history. The results of this major research project were published in the two-volume monograph “Description of written works of Korean traditional culture” [Описание письменных памятников корейской традиционной культуры] (2007, 2009, co-author A.A. Guryeva) and in other publications.

A.F. Trotsevich has been active in our Institute’s academic life as a long-term member of the Academic Council and a member of the Editorial Board of the “Written monuments of the Orient” [Памятники письменности Востока] series. For many years she successfully balanced research and teaching. She supervised post-graduate students and taught history of Korean literature at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies of the Leningrad / Saint Petersburg State University (1952–2000), and also generously shared her experience and knowledge with younger colleagues who sought her advice. Her top-level professional skills, kind and supportive attitude to her students helped her establish a school of young Korean studies researchers who continue to study Korean literary works and to teach history of Korean literature at the IOM RAS, the Faculty of Asian and African Studies of the Saint Petersburg State University and other institutions of Oriental studies. In this way the tradition of classical Korean studies is transmitted to new generations.

Administration and colleagues at the IOM RAS sincerely congratulate Adelaida F. Trotsevich on her anniversary, express their admiration for her wisdom, integrity and vitality, and wish her good health and well-being.

We would like to thank A.F. Trotsevich for many years of conscientious work and dedication to academic research.

Irina F. Popova, Corresponding member of the RAS, Doctor of Sciences in History
Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS

Last Updated ( 12/01/2025 )
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