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Visit of the Ambassador of Iran (August 2, 2024) Print E-mail

On August 2, 2024, as part of the official visit of the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Saint Petersburg, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Russian Federation, His Excellency Mr. Kazem Jalali and his family members were welcomed at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS.

The distinguished guests were greeted by Dr. Tatiana A. Pang, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the IOM RAS, and researchers of the Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies who study manuscript works of Persian literature, history and culture of Iran. Representatives of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Saint Petersburg Administration and leading specialists of the International Cooperation Department of the Saint Petersburg Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences also took part in the event.

Several generations of IOM RAS scholars of Iranian studies presented a special temporary exhibition of Persian manuscripts and also described their research. A.V. Mesheznikov led a guided tour of the exhibition in the Department of Manuscripts and Documents. Dr. Tatiana A. Pang showed the exhibition in the Museum of Russian Oriental studies and told about the history of the Asiatic Museum, its collections and prominent scholars of Russian Oriental studies. At the end of the visit, Mr. Kazem Jalali expressed the readiness of the Iranian side to promote research cooperation with the IOM RAS.

PHOTOS are available on the Russian website.

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