Information letter 1
Seventh St. Petersburg readings in Mongolian Studies
October 2–3, 2024
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS Saint Petersburg, Russia
Organized by:
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
With participation of: The Saint Petersburg State University, The Hermitage, The Institute of History and Ethnology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the Chinggis Khan National Museum. The conference has been held regularly since 2016 by the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS and the Institute of Language and Literature, MAS. Each conference is dedicated to a significant event in Mongolian studies, a prominent scholar or an outstanding Mongolian political or cultural figure (K.F. Golstunskiy, A.G. Sazykin, Z.K. Kasyanenko, V.L. Kotwicz, A.V. Burdukov, Mongol studies scholars in Moscow, 200th anniversary of the IOM, RAS). This year’s conference is dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The following topics will be discussed at the conference: current issues in literature, language and history of Mongolian peoples, history of Mongol studies in Russia and across the world.
The goal of the conference is to present new results of research on Mongol written and oral sources and to demonstrate possibilities of new research methods and approaches in Mongol studies.
The working languages of the conference are Russian, Mongolian, English.
Please submit applications by September 1, 2024 to Irina V. Kulganek ( or Ayuushjavyn Alime (
The application should include the following information: full name, place of work and position, academic degree, academic title, e-mail address, phone number, presentation title and a brief abstract (800 characters maximum).
The second information letter will be sent after September 5, 2024. Transportation and accommodation expenses of participants from other cities are not covered. We expect to publish selected presentation materials in the journal “Mongolica” in 2025.
Conference organizing committee co-chairs:
Irina F. Popova, Corresponding member of the RAS, Director of the IOM, RAS
J. Bat-Ireeduy, D. Sci., Director of the ILL, MAS
Organizing committee secretaries:
I.V. Kulganek, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, IOM, RAS
D.A. Nosov, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, IOM, RAS
A. Alimaa, PhD, ILL, MAS
B. Dairiymaa, PhD, ILL, MAS