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The 9th Conference of Young Orientalists “China and Its Neighbours” (information letter) Print E-mail

On March 6–7, 2024, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS, the Saint Petersburg State University (Faculty of Asian and African Studies) and the Confucius Institute (at the Saint Petersburg State University) will jointly hold the 9th All-Russian Conference of Young Orientalists “China and Its Neighbours”. The goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for young Orientalists (senior bachelor and master students) to present and discuss their research achievements, get feedback from senior colleagues, and assess own research level and future prospects.

The themes of the conference include history and historiography, culture and literature, religion and ethnography, economy and politics of China and neighbouring countries from antiquity to the present. Preference will be given to presentations on traditional culture of East Asia and its reflection in modernity. All senior bachelor and master students specializing in such topics are invited to apply.

Please send your application to participate (full name, university, faculty and department), presentation title and abstract (2000 characters maximum, approved by your academic supervisor) to the organizing committee by e-mail: Everything should be sent as one file. Academic supervisor’s approval should be either a scanned copy of abstract signed by the supervisor or a separate letter sent by the supervisor to the organizing committee.

Deadline for applications: February 21, 2024

The conference will take place in the Green Hall at the IOM, RAS (in-person format only). No online participation.

A collection of articles (no more than 5 pages each) will be published after the conference.

Organizing committee:

Chair - Tatyana A. Pang, Candidate of Sciences in History, PhD, IOM RAS Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Head of the Department of Far Eastern Studies.
Co-chair – Dmitrii I. Maiatskii, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Chinese Philology, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint Petersburg State University.
Secretary - Vasily V. Shchepkin, Candidate of Sciences in History, PhD, Senior researcher, Department of Far Eastern Studies, IOM RAS.

Last Updated ( 12/01/2024 )
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