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The Twelfth St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar (information letter) Print E-mail

The Twelfth St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar dedicated to the 145th anniversary of B.B. Baradiin will be held at the IOM RAS with participation of the Datsan Gunzechoinei Buddhist temple (Saint Petersburg) on November 14, 2023.

St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar is held annually with participation of researchers from academic institutions, educational and cultural centers in Russia and other countries. A wide variety of topics related to the study of Tibetan religion, history, literature, language, and art are discussed during the Seminar.

This year’s Seminar is dedicated to Bazar Baradievich Baradiin (1878–1937), scholar of Mongol studies, Tibetologist, Buddhologist, social activist, writer and translator, teacher, manuscript collector, researcher of Central Asia. Having studied under S.F. Oldenburg and F.I. Shcherbatskoy, he has left a great legacy in the Russian academic science as a talented educator, writer, scholar of Buryat grammar and lexicology. He contributed to the spread of literacy among the population of Buryatia and the creation of the literary Buryat language. He was one of the first foreigners who succeeded in visiting the Tibetan Lavran monastery and gathering valuable information about Buddhist education and monastic practice. Numerous scholarly works by B.B. Baradiin on literature, history, culture of the peoples of Mongolia and Tibet remain important to the present day.

Tibetologists, scholars of Buddhist, Mongol and Indian studies, as well as researchers from adjacent fields are invited to participate.

Please submit your application before October 15, 2023 to the secretary of the organizing committee Yulia V. Boltach, Candidate of Sciences in History:

The application should include the following information:
Information about the participant (full name, place of work and position, academic degree, academic title, phone number, email);
Presentation title and abstract (700–1000 characters).

The program and abstracts will be available by the start of the Seminar.

Presentation texts will be considered for publication in the special issue of the IOM RAS journal “Mongolica” (expected publication date: March 11, 2024). Submissions should follow the journal’s format. Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2023. Texts will be selected by the Organizing committee and the editorial board of the journal “Mongolica”.

The format of the Seminar: in-person only. Participation in the Seminar and journal publication are free of charge.

Organizing committee:
Irina F. Popova, RAS corresponding member, Doctor of Sciences in History, IOM RAS Director (Chair)
Yulia V. Boltach, Candidate of Sciences in History, PhD (Secretary)
Irina V. Kulganek, Doctor of Sciences in Philology
Tatyana A. Pang, Candidate of Sciences in History, PhD
Svetlana S. Sabrukova, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, PhD

Organizing committee (IOM RAS) address:
Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation

Chair of the organizing committee:
Irina F. Popova, RAS corresponding member, Doctor of Sciences in History, IOM RAS Director

Last Updated ( 22/09/2023 )
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