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Third Kowalewski Readings (information letter) Print E-mail

Third Kowalewski Readings (dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Department of Mongolian philology, Kazan University) will be held in Kazan on October 11–13, 2023.

Józef Szczepan Kowalewski (1800–1878) was an outstanding Russian and Polish Orientalist, specialist in Mongolian culture, religion, and history of Mongolian peoples. He was one of the founders of academic Mongol and Buddhist studies in Russia and Europe, and the head of the Department of Mongolian language (the first one in Russia and Europe) at the University of Kazan (1833–1855).

The following themes will be discussed during the Conference:

- J. Kowalewski, Mongolian studies, history of Mongolian and Central Asian studies;
- Modern Mongol studies, Buddhology, Sinology, and Central Asian studies;
- Development of classical Orientalist education in Russia and Europe;
- History, source studies, culture, languages, literature, art, religion of Turkic and Mongolian peoples;
- Research expeditions to Central Asia;
- Russia and Central Asia: history and modern times;
- Preservation and study of Mongolian and Turkic manuscript, book, and archival heritage;
- Historical and cultural monuments of Turkic and Mongolian peoples: history, current state, restoration;
- Practical, academic, and university Oriental studies in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia;
- The Silk Road, the Volga Route: history and culture.

Academic researchers, education and culture specialists, government workers, clergy members are invited to participate in the Third Kowalewski Readings.

Please send your application by September 20, 2023 to the following email: to Dmitriy E. Martynov.

Publication of articles presented during the Conference is planned in “Mongolica” and “Modern Oriental studies” journals.

Online participation is possible.

Detailed information is available on the Russian website.

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