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International Conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg Print E-mail

First Circular

Russian Academy of Sciences
Department of History and Philology of the RAS
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS


“The Age of Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg in the Russian Academy of Sciences”
International Conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary
of Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg (1863-1934)


September 26–27, 2023
St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya naberezhnaya, 18
(Novo-Mikhailovskiy Palace)


Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg was one of the key figures in the history of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the end of the 19th and the first third of the 20th c. From 1904 to 1929, he served as the Permanent Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and for a long time (1916–1934) he held a post of Director of the Asiatic Museum and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences. Thanks largely to his efforts the Academy of Sciences had retained itself as the leading scientific institution in Russia. Sergey F. Oldenburg was directly involved in the work of many academic committees and commissions. From July 25 to August 31, 1917, he was the Minister of Public Education of the Provisional Government.

According to his academic worldview, Sergey F. Oldenburg was a representative of the "new school" of the Russian Oriental Studies founded by Viktor R. Rosen (1849–1908). Oldenburg’s works were diverse and innovative, they were devoted to the problems of Indology, the history of Buddhist culture, Iranian studies, textual criticism, source studies, folklore and archeology. He made an invaluable contribution to coordinating research efforts of the international academic community. In 1897, he founded the international publishing series "Bibliotheca Buddhica" to publish the newly discovered manuscripts from East Turkestan. The Russian Turkestan Expeditions to Turfan (1909–1910) and to Dunhuang (1914–1915) led by Oldenburg played an important role in studying the cultural heritage of Northwest China. Sergey F. Oldenburg contributed greatly to replenishment of manuscript and archival collections of the Academy of Sciences, most particularly of the Asiatic Museum, to researching of ancient scripts, as well as to studying of Buddhist culture in Russia.

It is expected that the following issues will be discussed at the Conference:

- Research and cultural traditions of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Relationship of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the state authorities at the turn of the 20th c.;
- RAS reorganization projects at the end of the 19th and the first third of the 20th c.;
- Sergey F. Oldenburg as an organizer of the Russian national science;
- Scientific heritage of Sergey F. Oldenburg;
- Development problems of Oriental Studies in the first third of the 20th c.;
- Sergey F. Oldenburg’s contribution to preservation of academic collections and museum funds of Russia;
- International activities of Sergey F. Oldenburg;
- Development of scientific projects of S.F. Oldenburg in the modern period.

The working languages of the conference are Russian, English and Chinese.

Application for participation should include information about the speaker (last name, first name, patronymic; academic degree; title, affiliation), title and brief abstract of the presentation (up to 100 words).

The application should reach the Organizing Committee before August 25, 2023 by e-mail at with the subject “Oldenburg’s Conference”.

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