the Orient» dedicated to the 160th Anniversary
of P.K. Kozlov (1863–1935) Saint Petersburg, April,
10–11, 2023
The Institute of Oriental
Manuscripts of RAS (Dvortsovaya emb., 18) The Green Hall
10.15–10.30. The participants registration
Morning session. First
The Chairlady Irina F. POPOVA
Popova, Irina F. (Dr., Corresponding member of the RAS, Director of IOM
RAS) The Welcome speech to the conference participants
Abdukhalikov, Firdavs F. (Chairman of the Board of the World Society for the
Study, Preservation and Popularization of the Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan,
doctoral student of the Kamoliddin Behzod National Institute of Art and Design)
Divani Husseini – a masterpiece of Oriental book art
Sun, Bojun (Dr., Prof.,
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
ONLINE) A Textual Research on Xianbei Baoyuan, the Preceptor with Lotus
Crown in Cave 464 of Mogao Grottoes
Sun, Yingxin (Dr., Ass. Prof. Institute of World Religions, Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences) The Tangut version of Bā míng mǎn from
Khara-Khoto in the IOM Collection
Nie, Hongyin (Prof., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; ONLINE) Compilation on Virtues:
A Political Reader for Educating the Xixia Emperor
BREAK 10 min
Mo r n i n g s e s s i o n.
S e c o n d P a r t 11.55–13.10 The Chairlady Natalia V. YAMPOLSKAYA Ching, Chao-jung (Ass. Prof. Dr., The Hakubi Center & Institute for
Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Japan; ONLINE) Recent research
progress on the wooden tablets in the Berlin Collection and the IOM RAS
Collection Ogihara, Hirotoshi (Dr.,
Visiting Researcher, Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures (Ryukoku
University, Kyoto, Japan)/Associate Researcher, East Asian Civilization
Research Center (CRCAO, Paris. France); ONLINE) On the Khotanese
materials housed in the National Museum of Korea An Ya (Ass. Prof., Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang,
Guizhou, China; ONLINE) Two new versions of Suvarṇacakra-uṣṇīṣa-tejaprabha-mahābalaguṇa-tathāgata
dhāraṇī sutra (Chin. 佛说金轮佛顶大威德炽盛光) Bogdanov,
Kirill M. (Researcher, the Chief of the Serindica Laboratory, IOM
RAS) Unknown P. Kozlov autograph from IOM RAS Tangut fund materials Krapivina,
Raisa N. (Cand.
Sc. History, Leading Researcher, IOM RAS) The Sources on the History of Sa
skya School in the Tibetan Collection of IOM RAS L
U N C H B R E A K 3 0 m i n E
v e n i n g s e s s i o n. F i r s t P a r t 13.40–14.55
Chairman Dmitrii
A. NOSOV Yampolskaya,
Natalia V. (Ph.D., Senior Researcher, IOM RAS) A Unique Fragment
of an Oirat Manuscript of the Śatasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra in the
Collection of IOM, RAS Berezkin,
Rostislav V. (Ph.D., Senior Researcher, National Institute for
Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University/Institute of Oriental Studies,
RAS; ONLINE) Manuscripts of precious scrolls in the performative traditions
of Jiangsu: The example of “telling scriptures” in the Changshu area Boltach,
Iuliia V. (Cand. Sc. (History), Senior Researcher at the Department
of Far Eastern Studies, IOM RAS) Xylograph C 64 Dongmong seonseup 童蒙先習
the Korean collection of IOM RAS: general description Ermakova,
Tatiana V. (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Leading Researcher, IOM RAS) The
Role of Th.I. Scherbatsky in the publication of the translation of “History of
Buddhism” (Chos ’byung) by Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub Kozintcev,
Mark A. (Junior
Researcher, IOM RAS) Mehmed Said Efendi’s Report on the Embassy to Sweden
(1730s) according to the manuscript B 747 kept at the IOM RAS
A K 1 0 m i n
E v e n i n g s e s s i o n. S e c o n d P a r t
The Chairman Atriom V. MESHEZNIKOV
Arsenev, Michael N. (Librarian, Manuscripts Department, National Library
of Russia) “Affected by intellectual impotence” – Abraham Harkavy studying
karaites Belkina, Ekaterina M. (Junior Researcher, The Department of Manuscripts and
Documents, IOM RAS) Yefet ben Ali ha-Levy’s Tafsirs in IOM RAS: introduction
Davydov, Vladimir N. (Ph.D. (Anthropology), Cand. Sc. (Sociology), Peter
the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the RAS (St.
Petersburg, Russia); Chukotka Branch of North-Eastern Federal University
(Anadyr, Russia); Davydova, Elena А. (Cand. Sc. (History) of Historical
Sciences, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera)
of the RAS (St. Petersburg, Russia); Chukotka Branch of North-Eastern Federal
University (Anadyr, Russia) Tynevil’s writings: the problem of the invention
of Chukchi writing
Lurje, Pavel B. (Cand. Sc. (Philology), State Hermitage Museum) Arzhang
of Mani: from Turfan scriptorium into Persian poetry
Nosov, Dmitrii A. (Cand. Sc. (Philology), Senior Researcher, Sector of
Central Asia of the Department of Central and South Asia, IOM RAS) Piotr K.
Kozlov’ Mongolian-Tibetan expedition and its meaning for the century of
Russia’s academic "reconnaissance" of Mongolia APRI L, 1 1, TUESDAY
Mo r n i n g s e s s i o n.
Fi r s t P a r t
The Chairlady Tatiana A. PANG
Lee, Youngsil (Ph.D., Research fellow, Essential Lay Buddhism Study
Center in Tokyo, Japan; ONLINE) The only NTB fragment of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
from SHT
Tamai, Tatsushi (Representative of Lab. Serindia Assoc. Inc., Tokyo,
Japan; ONLINE) Unreadable Manuscript, T II T 48
Guo, Yaoyao (Ph.D., Lecturer, Sichuan Normal University Literature
College, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; ONLINE) Tibetan Buddhism practice of
Twenty-one Actions in Tangut
Zhang, Haijuan (Ph.D., Ningxia University, China; ONLINE) A study
of the planetary icons of Juspiter in Russian Collection of Khara-Khoto
Hu, Enbo (Ph.D. candidate, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München, Germany; ONLINE) Study on the Maṇḍala Liturgy of the Seven Bhaiṣajyagurus
in the Tangut Empire
B R E A K 1 0 m i n
Mo r n i n g s e s s i o n .
S e c o n d P a r t
The Chairman Efim A. REZVAN
Nazirova, Hilola B. (Cand. Sc. (History), Senior Researcher, Institute of
Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; the
lecturer of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies; ONLINE) The new
Turkish (Turkic) translation of the novel ‘Bahoristan’ by Abdurahman Jami
Rezvan, Efim A. (Dr. Prof., The Chief of the International Centre of
Muslim Studies; Deputy Director, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and
Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences) The Qur’an of
Friedrich Wilhelm Bauer, the Russian General Staff real creator
Turaev, Khalim Kh. (Dr. Sc. (History), Professor of Bukhara State
University; ONLINE) To study and publish Narshahi's work “History of
Toshov, Nuryoghdi Isk. (Cand. Sc. (History), Senior Research Fellow at
al-Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of
Uzbekistan; ONLINE) The National Library of Russia Manuscripts of Shahrisabz
origin: what is wrong with them?
Wu, Yu (Dr., research assistant, The Institute of Ethnology
And Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China; ONLINE) The
Initial Study on the Tangut Manuscript Xinghai Yuanming Jing Zhizu (Инв.№
L U N C H B R E A K 3 0 m i n
E v e n i n g s e s s i o n
. F i r s t P a r t
The Chairman Alexey Yu. LUSHCHENKO
Ponaryadov, Vadim V. (Cand. Sc. (Philology), Senior Researcher, Institute
of Language, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre, RAS, Syktyvkar,
Russia) Reading one sign in the monuments of Central Asian vertical Brāhmī
Chunakova, Olga M. (Dr. Sc. (Philology), Leading Researcher, IOM, RAS) The
Story of Mani: Sogdian manuscript fragments of IOM Collections
Malzahn, Melanie (Dr., Professor of Comparative Indo-European
Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna, Austria; ONLINE) A
new interpretation of the Rabatak inscription concerning Kanishka’s language
Pang, Tatiana A. (Cand. Sc., Leading Researcher, Head of the Department
of Far Eastern Studies, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of IOM, RAS) Owners
notes on Manchu books
Klimov, Vadim Yu. (Cand. Sc. (History), Leading researcher of IOM, RAS) On
the history of the Historiographical Institute of the Tokyo University
B R E A K 1 0 m i n
E v e n i n g s e s s i o n
. S e c o n d P a r t
The Chairman Safarali Kh. SHOMAKHMADOV
Lushchenko, Alexey Yu. (Ph.D. Researcher, IOM RAS) Japanese cursive
writing guides by foreigners in the 19th-20th centuries
Mesheznikov, Artiom V. (Junior Researcher, IOM, RAS) Ten newly
identified fragments of the Sanskrit Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra (SI 6780)
in the Serindia Collection (IOM, RAS)
Kienzler, Olga A. (Ph.D. student, Researcher, Saxon Academy of Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany) Yakṣiṇī Hārītī’s conversion story in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-Vinaya
and her representations in the murals of Kucha
Bicheev, Baazr A. (Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Chief Researcher, Kalmyk State
University by B.B. Gorodovikov) Mongolian manuscript “Mani-Kabum”
from Kalmykia
Shomakhmadov, Safarali Kh. (Cand. Sc. (History), Senior researcher of the
Serindica Laboratory, IOM, RAS) “The Ritual instruction” SI 2049 of the
Serindia Collection of IOM, RAS