The First All-Russian Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” in memory of M.I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya (1933–2021)
April 20–21, 2022
IOM RAS, Saint Petersburg
Manuscript tradition in general and Oriental one in particular, which spans dozens of living and ancient languages, has contributed to the spread of ideas, religions and knowledge over the centuries. The study of Oriental manuscripts not only deepens understanding of Oriental worldviews (that is, systems of moral and ethical norms, narrative logic, richness and peculiarity of thinking), but also helps to identify areas in which traditional ideologies spread and the extent of their transformation in various regions. The study of Oriental manuscript heritage also includes examination of codicological aspects of manuscripts, formation history of schools of copyists/calligraphers, artistic decoration of manuscripts etc. Early printed books of the Orient and xylographic editions developed from the manuscript tradition and their structure and decoration are yet another topic for investigation. Examination of various types of inscriptions is a matter of particular interest for disciplines such as epigraphy, sphragistics, and numismatics.
A special area of research related to the written heritage of the Orient deals with the history of discovery and subsequent publication of manuscripts, formation of modern manuscriptological collections, and current issues of manuscript conservation and restoration.
The First All-Russian Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” will be held in memory of M. I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya, a distinguished scholar of Sanskrit and a specialist in Tocharian and Sogdian manuscripts. Accordingly, we welcome research presentations focusing on Central Asian manuscripts and contributions by M. I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya to the study of Oriental manuscripts.
The following themes will be addressed at the Conference:
1. Oriental manuscripts and their study;
2. Current issues of paleography and codicology of the written heritage of the Orient;
3. Contributions by manuscript scholars of Russia and foreign countries to the study of Oriental manuscript traditions;
4. Expeditions in Asia and archaeography of the written heritage of the Orient;
5. Activities of modern centres of research and conservation of Oriental manuscripts;
6. Conservation and restoration of the written heritage of the Orient.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference will take place in mixed format (face-to-face and online participation via Zoom). Social distancing measures will be in place during face-to-face meetings. Air purifier will also be placed in the meeting hall.
Transportation and accommodation expenses of participants from other cities are not covered by the IOM RAS.
Please submit your application and a brief presentation abstract to the following email:
before March 31, 2022.
The application should include the following information:
Information about the participant (full name, place of work and position, academic degree, academic title, email);
Presentation topic;
Participation format (face-to-face, online).
Conference organizing committee
Conference co-chairs:
Irina F. Popova, RAS corresponding member, Doctor of Sciences in History, IOM RAS Director
Safarali Kh. Shomakhmadov, Candidate of Sciences in History (PhD), senior researcher at the Serindica Laboratory (IOM RAS)
Organizing committee members:
Tatyana A. Pang, Candidate of Sciences in History (PhD), IOM RAS Academic Deputy Director
Olga M. Chunakova, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, professor, head of the Section of Central Asian Studies
Elena V. Tanonova, Candidate of Sciences in Philology (PhD), IOM RAS Academic Secretary
Olga V. Lundysheva, junior researcher at the Serindica Laboratory
Alexander V. Zorin, Candidate of Sciences in Philology (PhD), senior researcher at the Department of Manuscripts and Documents
Ekaterina V. Gusarova, Candidate of Sciences in History (PhD), researcher at the Section of Near Eastern Studies
Alexey Y. Lushchenko, PhD (Asian Studies), researcher at the Department of Far Eastern Studies