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The Second International Codicological Conference (programme) Print E-mail
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The Second International Codicological Conference

“Oriental Manuscripts: Scriptoria, Monastic Libraries and Book Workshops in the East in the Middle Ages”

November 15‒17, 2021
St. Petersburg, Russia

November 15, 2021 (Monday)

GREEN HALL. 10.45–17.00

Chairman: Irina Popova

10.45. Opening. Welcome from Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia), Irina Popova

11.00. Peter Zieme, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Germany). Old Uyghur translation(s) of the Miaofa lianhua jing xuanzan 妙法蓮華經玄贊 (T. 1723)

11.30. Simone-Christiane Raschmann, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Germany). Spotlights on the Old Uyghur scribes

12.00. Dai Matsui, Osaka University (Japan). An Old Uighur Wall Inscription by Discontented Monks of Qočo

12.3013.30. Lunch break

Chairman: Tatyana Pang

13.30. Melanie Malzahn, University of Vienna (Austria), Hannes Fellner, University of Vienna (Austria). From library to fragment and back again: Analysis of manuscript production in Tocharian

14.00. Ching Chao-jung, Kyoto University / Ryukoku University (Japan). The “library” at the Kizil Grottoes: some more reflection on the use of wood and paper as recyclable material

14.30. Emilie Arnaud-Nguyêñ, École Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France). “The old is gold”: A stratigraphic study of the Pelliot manuscript collection (BnF, Paris)

15.00–15.30. Coffee break

15.30. Nikolaj Serikoff, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS (Russia). What is Christian in the Christian Arabic Literature? Some identification criteria

16.00. Tatiana Anikeeva, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS (Russia). The Book Culture of the South-East Aral Region and Khorezm in the 18th–20th cc. (On the example of the collection of arabographic manuscripts of the Karakalpak Institute of Humanities of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus)

16.30. Qahtan Al-Abeed, Basrah Inspectorate of Antiquties and Heritage (Iraq), Alexei Jankowski-Diakonoff, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia), Olga Lundysheva, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Arabic manuscripts from Bashayan Library, Basra

17.00. Maxim Fionin, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). The liturgical reading on the Fest the Placing of the Cincture of the Most Holy Theotokos according byzantine lectionaries of 10-14-th. c.

November 16, 2021 (Tuesday)

GREEN HALL. 11.00–17.00

Chairman: Alexander Zorin

11.00. Tatiana Pang, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Manchu book printing culture during the Qing dynasty

11.30. Kirill Alekseev, St. Petersburg State University (Russia), Natalia Yampolskaya, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Scribal Notes and Autographs as a Clue to the Copying Process (Based on Mongolian Buddhist Manuscripts)

12.00. Natalia Yakhontova, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Between tradition and reality: graphical features of “Clear script” in Kalmykia (1950s)

12.30–13.30. Lunch break

Chairman: Natalia Yampolskaya

13.30. Sergey Frantsouzoff, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Problem of Dating of Early Christian Arabic Manuscripts

14.00. Ekaterina Gusarova, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Ethiopic Manuscripts from the Collection of the St Petersburg Spiritual Academy

14.30. Ekaterina Belkina, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Oriental and Russian paper of a Judeo-Persian Manuscript (C40 Heb, IOM RAS)

15.0015.30. Coffee break

15.30. Nikita Kuzmin, University of Pennsylvania (USA). Dunhuang Library Cave and the “Famous” Suburgan in Khara-Khoto: Two Depositories of Sacred Scriptures and/or Places of Power?

16.00. Rostislav Berezkin, Fudan University (China). Special features of precious scrolls woodblock editions of Western Mahayana Teaching (16th century)

16.30. Shiva Mihan, Institute for Advanced Study (USA). Scribal work rate based on a rare document on Timurid manuscript productions

November 17, 2021 (Wednesday)

GREEN HALL. 11.00–17.00

Chairman: Alla Sizova

11.00. Charles Ramble, École Pratique des Hautes Études – Université PSL (France). Distinctive and Unique Codicological Features of Bonpo Manuscripts

11.30. Marta Sernesi, École Pratique des Hautes Études – Université PSL (France). From Manuscript to Print: Establishing Texts for their Editio Princeps in Tibet

12.00. Andrei Bazarov, The Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies SB RAS (Russia). Konstantin Stukov’s Tibetan manuscript collection from the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies SB RAS

12.30–13.30. Lunch break

Chairman: Anna Turanskaya

13.30. Yulia Elikhina, The State Hermitage Museum (Russia). Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs from the Hermitage collection

14.00. Alexander Zorin, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). On the volume of Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā preserved at the Glasgow University Library

14.30. Alla Sizova, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Russia). Taoist Influence on Buddhist Iconography: Tibetan edition of the Mahāmāyūrī Sūtra from the Wanli era

Last Updated ( 14/11/2021 )
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