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The 31st EAJRS Conference (program) Print E-mail
The 31st EAJRS Conference

Materiality and virtuality in Japanese studies resources

organized by

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences

in cooperation with

Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint Petersburg University

Saint Petersburg, Russia
15–18 September 2021


All local time in Saint Petersburg (UTC +3)


Wednesday 15 September

09:00–10:00. Registration

Session 1

10:15–11:00. Welcome

Popova, Irina F. (Director, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences)

Philippov, Alexander V. (Chair, St. Petersburg University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Department of Japanese Studies)

Vande Walle, Willy (Chairperson, European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists, University of Leuven

11:00–11:45. Japanese, online: Mesheryakov, Alexander (Higher School of Economics. Institute of Oriental and Classic Studies). Key note address


12:15–12:45. English, online: Mikhailova, Yulia (Hiroshima City University). Japan Related Materials in the State Archive of Russian Federation (GARF)

12:45–13:15. Japanese, online. Hōya, Tōru (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute). 在外日本関係史料の調査と研究資源化について / Researching the Collection and Utilization of Overseas Japan-related Historical Sources


Session 2

15:00–15:20. English, in person: Firsova, Varvara (Russian Academy of sciences Library). The library and reading history in Russia and Japan in 19th Century: comparative analysis / 19世紀におけるロシアと日本の図書館発展と読書の普及分析

15:20–15:45. English, in person: Asadova, Ekaterina (Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature). Japanese language collection of literature in the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature / 全ロシア国立外国文献図書館の日本語文学コレクション

15:45–16:15. English, in person: Barros, Elisa (Atelier du Papier). Conservation / restoration of book collections (Materiality of books collections)


Session 3

16:45–17:15. English, in person: Simonova-Gudzenko, Ekaterina (Moscow State University. Institute of Asian and African Studies). The Case of Maps of Japan by Daikokuya Kōdayū (1751 – 1828): history of creation, similarities and differences / 大黒屋光太夫(1751–1828)の日本地図: 創造の歴史、類似点と相違点

17:15–17:45. English, online: Flache, Ursula (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. East Asia department). Shopping books in Edo – the Eulenburg expedition and the beginning of the Japanese collection of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-PK / 江戸のブックショッピング ― オイレンブルク使節団とベルリン国立図書館の日本コレクション事始め

17:45–18:15. English, online: Marra, Toshie (University of California, Berkeley. C.V. Starr East Asian library), Murphy Kao, Regan (Stanford University). NCC’s Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program (CDDP) task force produces a new video series on cutting-edge digital projects, tools, and resources / NCCのComprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program (CDDP)タスクフォースによる最先端デジタルプロジェクト、ツール、およびリソースに関する新しいビデオシリーズ


Thursday 16 September

Session 4

10:00–10:30. Japanese, online: Fujimura, Ryōko (National Institute of Japanese Literature), Yamamoto, Kazuaki (National Institute of Japanese Literature). オンライン画像を使った研究と図書館での研究 / Researching with online images and in libraries

10:30–11:00. Japanese, online. Sekino, Tatsuki (International Research Center for Japanese Studies), Hara, Shoichiro (Kyoto University. Center for Southeast Asian Studies). 歴史地名データの構築と連携 / Construction and linkage of historical place-name data of Japan

11:00–11:30. Japanese, online: Shibutani, Ayako (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute), Yamada, Taizo (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute), Nakamura, Satoru (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute), Hirasawa, Kanako (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute), Yamada, Toshiyuki (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute), Watanabe, Yoichiro (University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute), Ohmukai, Ikki (University of Tokyo. Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology). 多面的な日本史研究に向けたデータの長期利用と共有・連結化 / Long-term Utilisation, Data Sharing, and Linking for Multifaceted Approach in Japanese History


Session 5

12:00–12:30. English, online: Tolstoguzov, Sergey (Hiroshima university). Mizuno Tadakuni and the Letter of Willem II / 水野忠邦とオランダ国王書簡

12:30–13:00. Japanese, online: Nagase, Yumi (Kansai Gaidai University). バスク人グアム司教の日本隔離中の宣教・司牧活動における外交面の分析(1942-1943年)(2) / An analysis of the diplomatic aspect of the missionary and pastoral activities of the Basque Bishop of Guam during his forced stay in Japan (1942–1943) (2)


Session 6

15:00–17:00. Excursion (National Library of Russia, new building, Moskovskii pr., 165/2)

English, in person: Philippov, Evgenii (National Library of Russia). Sources of acquisition of the Japanese Collection in the National Library of Russia

Session 7

17:00–17:30. English, in person: Petrova, Anastasia (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences). "Zoku Honchō Ōjōden" as a source on the history of Pure Land Buddhism / 浄土教の歴史における続本朝往生伝

17:30–18:00. English, in person: Ovchinnikova, Liubov (Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Studies). Documents of Japanese Colonial Administration as a source of Study of Japanese Colonial Governance in Korea (1910–1945) / 日本総督府発行の文庫⋆資料による朝鮮統治の研究

Traditional dinner at restaurant Yat (Ять)

Friday 17 September

Session 8

09:30–10:00. Japanese, online: Inoue, Sayaka (Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation. Information Resources Center). 日本(語)資料をつなぐ 『渋沢栄一伝記資料』の活用方法を探る: TEIエンコーディングの試み / How to Connect Japanese Resources: Exploring Use of the Shibusawa Eiichi Denki Shiryo

10:00–10:30. Japanese, online: Murakami, Haruka (NII). NIIワークショップ / NII workshop


Session 9

11:00–14:00. Resource providers workshop

13:30–14:00. Panel discussion


Session 10

15:30–15:50. English, online: Cox, Helena (Beverley Art Gallery, East Riding Museums / University of York). 'Reflections of Japan in East Yorkshire' – Reaching out, going digital and showcasing private collections of Japanese art and craft at Beverley Art Gallery

15:50–16:20. English, online: Toropygina, Maria V. (Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences). Wood-block editions of Seiashō with illustrations / 挿絵入りの『井蛙抄』の諸版本

16:20–16:50. English, in person: Nikiforova, Nadezhda (The State Academic University of the Humanities). «Hikifuda» or what Japanese advertising looked like at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection from the Russian State Art Library / 引札。19世紀と20世紀の変わり目に日本の広告がどのように見えたか。ロシア国立芸術図書館のコレクション。


Session 11

17:20–17:40. English, in person: Fedianina, Vladlena (Moscow City University. Japanese Language Department), Savinskaya, Anna (Moscow City University. Japanese Language Department), Bulando, Roman (Moscow City University, Japanese Language Department). Use of digital resources by Japanese Language learners / 日本語学習者とデジタルリソースの利用

17:40–18:00. English, in person: Ivanova, Tsvetomira Hristova (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"). Printed VS Online Japanese Language Dictionaries and Study Applications: The Case of Sofia University Japanese Studies Students

18:00–18:20. English, in person: Strizhak, Uliana (National Research University Higher School of Economics). Parallel texts database (Japanese-English-Russian) as a research resource for studying agency in Japanese language / パラレルコーパスデータベース(日・英・露)を日本語の動作主性の研究資料に

Saturday 18 September

Session 12

10:00–10:30. Japanese, online: Hatano, Yoshinori (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties), Baba, Hajime (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties), Shoda, Shinya (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties). 史的文字データベース連携検索システムの紹介 / The Multi-database Search System for Historical Chinese Characters

10:30–11:00. Japanese, online: Ogawa, Yoshimi (Yokohama National University). ソ連時代の日本語教師とその資料について / Japanese native teachers in the Soviet era and their records


11:30–12:00. English, online: Fuse, Rie (University of Helsinki). Possibilities and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Collaborative work on Japanese Resources: The Case of the Special Course Kuzushi-ji Seminar at the University of Helsinki / 日本資料をめぐる異分野協働の可能性と課題―ヘルシンキ大学特別コースくずし字セミナーの事例―

12:00–12:30. English, online: Onuma, Tahee (National Diet Library). Developing new library services using AI (machine learning)—an introduction to the Next Digital Library / AI(機械学習)を用いた新たな図書館サービスの開発~「次世代デジタルライブラリー」の紹介を中心に


Session 13

13:00–14:00. General meeting

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