Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica XV |
17/12/2018 |
A new monograph is added: [Bibliotheca Buddhica XV:] Kien-ch‘ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍistotragāthā), a Buddhist hymn by Açvаghоṣa found in the Chinese transcription, Ts‘ih-fuh-tsan-pai-k‘ie-t‘o (Saptajinastava) and Fuh-shwoh-wăn-shu-shi-li-yih-poh-pah-ming-fan-tsan (Āryamañjuçrīnāmāṣṭaçataka). Edited and explained with use of the Tibetan translation by Baron A. von Stäel-Holstein [Kien-ch‘ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍistotragāthā), сохранившийся в китайской транскрипции санскритский гимн Açvаghоṣʼи, Ts‘ih-fuh-tsan-pai-k‘ie-t‘o (Saptajinastava) и Fuh-shwoh-wăn-shu-shi-li-yih-poh-pah-ming-fan-tsan (Āryamañjuçrīnāmāṣṭaçataka). Издал и при помощи тибетского перевода объяснил барон А. фон-Сталь-Гольстейн (Baron A. von Stäel-Holstein)]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1913. XXIX, 189, 2 p. The entire volume is published as a *.PDF file. Read more... |
Last Updated ( 17/12/2018 )