International Forum
“Russia and the Orient. То the 200th Anniversary of the Russian Academic Oriental Studies”
27–29 November 2018
Saint Petersburg
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Dear Colleagues! We have pleasure of inviting you to participate in the International Forum "Russia and the Orient. To the 200th anniversary of the Russian Academic Oriental studies". The Forum is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Asiatic Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences founded in St. Petersburg on November 23 (11), 1818. This event marked the beginning of Oriental studies in Russia and had an impact on the research of humanities throughout the world. The Forum is held by the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the authoritative world research Orientalist centers and the keeper of the collection of Oriental manuscripts and early printed books of the Asiatic Museum. The event is intended to consolidate together the representative members of Academic Oriental Centers in the Eurasian Space, restore broken links and create a basis for new international projects in the Oriental studies.
The Forum is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg, Charitable Foundation "Art, Science, Sports" and Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange.
Director of the IOM RAS Professor Irina Popova
The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded as the Asiatic Museum on November 23 (11), 1818 at the initiative of the President of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences Sergey Ouvarov (1786–1855). This event was of great historical significance: it marked the start of the institutionalization of humanities in Russia, and the birth of an independent school of Oriental studies. The first director of the Asiatic Museum Christian Frähn (1782–1851) laid the basis of Classical Oriental studies in St. Petersburg, introduced important sources on Russian history written in Oriental languages and established extensive contacts with the leading centers of Oriental studies in Europe. Even then Russian Oriental studies were aimed not simply at the study of “antiquities”, but at comprehending the “cultural code” of the Eastern neighbors of Russia.
In the second half of the 19th century largely due to the efforts of outstanding scholars Carl Salemann, Viktor von Rosen and Sergey Oldenburg, directors of the Asiatic Museum, Oriental studies became an important factor in public life, a priority area of research for the Academy, and a part of Russian culture. For the first time Russia was perceived as a communication space between the East and West.
New targets set for Oriental studies by the Soviet government prescribed the increase in activity of “collective research work” which led to the of all the reorganization related institutions in the country. In 1930, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was formed on the basis of the Asiatic Museum. It was to focus its research on the modern Asian countries, especially their politics and economics, however the study of written documents and manuscript culture remained among its fields of research.
During the Great Patriotic War the Institute continued its work despite the tremendous losses. Researchers of the Institute evacuated from the besieged Leningrad played a decisive role in the training of local professionals in the Republics of the USSR. In the 1940–1950s, these professionals contributed to the development of the national academies of sciences in the form of scientific institutions of the Russian type.
At the end of the Second World War when the situation in the world changed radically and the authority of the country significantly increased, Oriental studies became a powerful factor of foreign policy. The Government decided to transfer the Institute of Oriental Studies to Moscow leaving one Department (later — Branch) of the Institute and the manuscript collection of the Asiatic Museum in Leningrad. The separation of academic Oriental studies developed from the 1950s and finally consolidated in the 1970s: the Institute in Moscow studied the problems of the modern East whereas its Department in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) focused on the traditional East (up to the 20th century, the beginning of modernization following the Western model). As a result of this specialization the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies was transformed into the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. This decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences has once again confirmed the high status of the St. Petersburg tradition of Oriental studies.
Nowadays the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts is one of the most influential centers of Oriental manuscriptology in the world. The main activities of the Institute, as in the days of the Asiatic Museum, are concentrated in the field of classical Oriental studies and aimed at the preservation of its collection of Oriental manuscripts, the largest in Russia and one of the most valuable in the world.
Entering the third century of its glorious history the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts sees its task in ensuring that academic Oriental studies will continue to benefit the nation building and integration of culture in Russia.
27 November 2018
12:00 – 14:00 Plenary Session
Government of Saint Petersburg Building, Smolny, White Hall Welcome address of the provisional Governor of Saint Petersburg Alexander Beglov Welcome address of the President of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev Welcome address of the President of Saint Petersburg Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zhores Alferov Welcome address of the Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky Welcome address of the Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS Irina Popova
17:00 – 18:00 Opening ceremony of Exhibition “Brush and Kalam. To the 200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS Collection” organized jointly with the State Hermitage Museum: State Hermitage Museum (Dvortsovaya emb., 34)
18:30 – 21:30 Reception at Astoria Hotel (Bol’shaya Morskaya ulitsa, 39), by invitation only
28 November 2018
10:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session
Addresses from the Guests of the Forum
IOM RAS (Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
12:00 – 13:00 Presentation of the books commemorating the Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts
Opening of new library stacks in the wing of Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace
Celebration in honor of benefactors
IOM RAS (Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
13:30 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 17:00 Round Table Discussions
“Academic Oriental Studies on the Eurasian Space: History and Prospects”
IOM RAS (Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
“Islam in the Territory of the Former Russian Empire”
IOM RAS (Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Sutra Hall)
“Study of the Christian Orient: the Revival of Interrupted Traditions”
Gorky Center for Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Dvortsovaya emb., 26)
“The Turkic-Mongolian World in Manuscripts and Documents”
Gorky Center for Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Dvortsovaya emb., 26)
“Asiatic Museum in History of World Sinology”
Gorky Center for Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Dvortsovaya emb., 26)
29 November 2018
10:30 – 12:30 Round Table Discussion “Manuscript Heritage of the Peoples of the Orient as the Basis of classical Oriental Studies”
IOM RAS (Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
13:00 – 14:00 Break
14:30 – 16:00 Excursions at the New Michael Palace, Museum of the History of Oriental Studies in Russia, Manuscript Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
IOM RAS (Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
16:00 – 17:00 Closing Meeting
IOM RAS (Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
18:00 Opening of Exhibition “Taoists on The Way to Immortality: On the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of The Asiatic Museum” organized jointly with the State Museum of the History of Religion: State Museum of the History of Religion (Pochtamtskaya ulitsa, 14/5)
28 November 2018 (Wednesday), 14:30 – 17:00
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
(Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
The 23 (11) of November 1818, when the Asiatic Museum was established, became a meaningful date for the international academia. The Russian Academy of Sciences founded by Peter the Great borrowed the experience of the European academies but introduced a new “humanitarian class” intended for hosting scholars expert in Oriental and ancient languages. Throughout its history Oriental studies in Russia were meant not only to fulfill academic tasks, but to play a significant role in the social, political and cultural life of the state. In the second half of the 19th century the Russian East falls into the sphere of research interest in Oriental studies, while Russian becomes one of the languages of international scholarship. At the same time the prominent members of the St. Petersburg school of Oriental studies start viewing Russia as a communicative space between East and West, an idea that was later reflected in Soviet scholarly thought. It stands to reason that the orientalists of the Leningrad school were among the creators of the national academies in the Soviet (Eurasian) Space. Today we are still united by the common traditions of both research and academic administration.
The forms of interaction aimed at preserving these two-hundred-year traditions will be discussed at the Round Table.
Irina F. POPOVA, Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS
Akif Aghamehdi oglu ALIZADEH, Academician, President, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijian
Farhod RAHIMI, Academician, President, Academy Sciences of the Republic Tajikistan
Nikolai Andreevich MAKAROV, Academician, Vice-President, Russian Academy of Sciences
Bahrom Abdurahimovich ABDUHALIMOV, Academician, Vice-President, Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Valery Aleksandrovich TISHKOV, Academician-Secretary of the Department of History and Philology, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijian
Nargiz Chingiz gizi AKHUNDOVA, Academician, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijian
Teymur Hashim oglu KARIMLI, Academician, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Humanities, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Vitaliy Vyacheslavovich NAUMKIN, Academician, President of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Govhar Bakhshali Kizi BAKHSHALIEVA, Academician, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Abdsattar DERBISSALI, Academician, Director, Institute of Oriental Studies, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
Ruben SAFRASTIAN, Academician, Director, Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Shahin Majid oglu MUSTAFAYEV, Academician, Deputy-Director, Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Ilshat Rafkatovich GAFUROV, Professor, Rector, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Badma Katinovich SALAEV, Professor, Rector, Kalmyk State University
Ramil Ravilovich KHAYRUTDINOV, Professor, Director of the Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Makhach Abdulaevich MUSAYEV, Director, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography, Dagestan Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Cholpon Urushbekovna KOICHUMANOVA, Adviser of the President, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
KIRIGAYA Akira, Director, Institute of Oriental Philosophy (Tokyo, Japan)
28 November 2018 (Wednesday), 14:30 – 17:00
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
(Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Sutra Hall)
During the round table discussion the following questions are to be offered:
Purposes and tasks of the “Islam in the territories of the former Russian Empire” international project;
Implementation of a new methodological approach to the study of the Russian Islam as self-sufficient form of interpretation and existence of this religion;
Unification of basic terms and notions of Islam and academic Islamic studies;
Role of the academic Islamic studies in Islamic enlightenment and education of the Russian society (problems and prospects);
The “Islam in the territories of the former Russian Empire” Encyclopedic Lexicon as a source of the concentrated and complex information on the Russian Islam;
The “Islam in the territories of the former Russian Empire” peacekeeping mission;
Contribution of the Russian Muslims to strengthen the Russian statehood and creation of uniform cultural space;
Historical experience of the Muslim community existence in the conditions of ethno-confessional variety within the uniform state.
Stanislav PROZOROV, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Asiatic Museum), Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Alikber ALIKBEROV, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Pavel BASHARIN, Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia)
Vladimir BOBROVNIKOV, National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Ashirbek MUMINOV, Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan); Research Center for Islamic History, Arts and Culture (IRCICA, Istanbul, Turkey)
Marsil FARKHSHATOV, Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russia)
Alexey KHISMATULIN, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Shamil SHIKHALIEV, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Dagestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, (Makhachkala, Dagestan)
Hakim ELNAZAROV, Institute of Ismaili Studies (London, UK)
Bakhtiyar BABADJANOV, Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent)
Ruslan MURADOV, (Ashabat, Turkmenistan)
Elizaveta NEKRASOVA, independent researcher (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Amri SHIKHSAIDOV, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Dagestan Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Makhachkala, Dagestan)
Yanis ESHOTS, Institute of Ismaili Studies (London, UK), Latvian University (Riga)
28 November 2018 (Wednesday), 14:30 – 17:00
Gorky Center for Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Dvortsovaya emb., 26)
The Round Table is devoted to problems of comprehensive researches of the richest cultural heritage of peoples and ethno-confessional communities of the Orient, who profess Christianity, in Russia, former republics of the Soviet Union and former socialist countries, where any recourse to those subjects was restricted or prohibited during many decades. A special attention is supposed to be paid to teaching written languages of the Christian Orient and relevant disciplines at the present stage of development of higher education.
Serge A. FRANTSOUZOFF, Professor, Dr., Head of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS
Mme Ioana FEODOROV, Dr habilité, Institut des études sud-est européennes de l’Académie Roumaine (Bucarest). L’édition critique et la traduction intégrales du Journal de voyage de l’archidiacre antiochien Paul ibn al-Za‘îm aux Pays Roumains et en Russie, projet académique commun roumain-russe
Reverend OLEG (Davydenkov), Professor, Dr. Archpriest, Head of the Chair of Eastern Christian Philology and Oriental Churches, Orthodox St. Tikhon University for Humanities (Moscow). Chair of Eastern Christian Philology and Oriental Churches of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for Humanities: 20 years of its activities (in Russian)
Anatoly A. ALEXEYEV, Professor, Dr., Head of the Chair of Biblical Studies, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University. Return of Biblical Studies in University scholarship (in Russian)
Vasily V. VASILIK, Dr., Associate Professor, Chair of Slavonic and Balkanic countries of the Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University. Study of the Christian Orient in the Faculty of History of the St. Petersburg State University and of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy: a comparative analysis (in Russian) Vasilisa A. KAGIROVA, Dr., Assistant; Donara S. MKRTCHYAN, Lecturer, Department of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Faculty of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg State University. Revival of the Armenian-Georgian cycle at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the St. Petersburg State University (in Russian)
Anton D. PRITULA, Dr., Leading Researcher, Department of the Orient, State Hermitage Museum; Deputy Chief Editor “Khristiansky Vostok. New Series” Journal. Study of the culture of the Christian Orient in the State Hermitage: projects and prospects (in Russian)
Vadim M. LOURIÉ, Professor, Dr., Editor-in-Chief, “Scrinium, Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography” (Leiden); Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Perm’). Critical Hagiography: crisis and prospects (in Russian)
Gerşom QIPRISÇI, Hakham Bashi, Central Spiritual Board of Russian and Ottoman Karaites Abroad (the Cirmean-Qedarite Branch); Managing Director, Leiden Institute for Rational Monotheism; President, Institute of Abraham Firkowitsch’s Heritage (Vilinius). The Collections of Oriental manuscripts kept in St. Petesrburg in Western Hebrew, Biblical, Karaite and Samaritan Studies (in Russian)
28 November 2018 (Wednesday), 14:30 – 17:00
Gorky House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Dvortsovaya emb., 26)
The meeting is organized by the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Association of Mongolian Studies, the Institute of Language and Literature of the MAS.
Leading Russian Mongolian and Türkologists from St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as Mongolian and Western Mongolian scientists and Türkologists will take part in the meeting.
The meeting will discuss current problems and prospects of Russian Mongolian and Turkic studies related to the collection, storage and study of the written heritage of the Mongolian and Turkic peoples. Special attention will be paid to modern methods of preservation and conservation of manuscripts. The scientific community will be presented the latest results of the study of written monuments of Mongolian and Turkic literature. Oriental historians and philologists will discuss issues related to the study of the written heritage of the Mongolian and Turkic peoples and unique folklore monuments stored in the collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, the Hermitage, the Institute of History and Archeology of the MAS (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), the Institute of Language of the MAS (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), such as: fortune-telling book from Khara-khoto, illustrated texts of the Mongolian Prajñāpāramitā, Turkic epic, Mongolian tale of Han-Kharanhue, ancient inscriptions on bark, Turkish manuscript in the Ottoman language, including those associated with the name of Genghis Khan. The participants will discuss the problems of the traditional world outlook of the peoples of Central Asia, the features of the political culture of the Mongols of the XIII-XVII centuries, Russian-Mongolian scientific contacts, as well as issues related to the study of archival documents on the scientific activities of Mongolian scholars and Turkologists.
Irina KULGANEK, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Section of Central Asian Studies, IOM RAS
Dmitrii NOSOV, Candidate of Philology, Researcher, IOM RAS
Tatiana ANIKEEVA, Candidate of History, Senior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies (Moscow). Elements of the traditional world outlook of the peoples of Central Asia and the Turkic epic (in Russian)
Ramil’ VALEEV, Professor, Doctor of History, Main Researcher, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University. Archival materials of SART about N.F. Katanov (in Russian)
Ramil’ VALEEV, Professor, Doctor of History, Main Researcher, Institute of International Relations, KFU; Roza VALEEVA, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov; Dmitry MARTYNOV, Doctor of History, Professor, Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, KFU; Julia MARTYNOVA, Candidate of History, Main Researcher, Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, KFU; Valentina TUGUZHEKOVA, Doctor of History, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History. Unpublished materials of N. F. Katanov in archives of Russia (in Russian)
BILGUUDEI G., Candidate of Philology, Professor, Director, Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Mongolian manuscripts at the Institute of Language and Literature of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Yulia ELIKHINA, Candidate of History, Senior Researcher, Department of the Orient, State Hermitage Museum. Mongolian written monuments from the Hermitage collection (in Russian)
Ilya ZAYTSEV, Doctor of History, Professor of RAS, Head of the Center for Comparative Studies of Civilizations, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences RAS. The history of Genghis Khan by Mansur ibn Abd ar-Rahman (1740): manuscripts and translations (in Russian)
Alexander ZORIN, Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher, IOM RAS; Svetlana SABRUKOVA, Candidate of Philology, Junior Researcher, IOM RAS; Liubov KRIAKINA, Chief Conservator, IOM RAS. Research and conservation of the Kalmyk roll in Tibetan of the 18th century (in Russian)
Barbara KELLNER-HEINKELE, Professor, Department of History and Cultural Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. Among Turkic manuscripts. Pilgrimages and Peregrinations
Mark KOSINTSEV, Assistant Researcher, Academic Secretary of the Section of Central Asian Studies, IOM RAS. Turkish manuscripts in the Ottoman language (in Russian)
Irina KULGANEK, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Section of Central Asian Studies, IOM RAS. Mongolian Folklore manuscripts at the collection of IOM RAS (in Russian)
Dmitrii NOSOV, Candidate of Philology, Researcher, IOM RAS. Fairy Pearls: Monuments of Mongolian narrative Folklore in the Manuscript Collection and Archive of Orientalists of the IOM RAS (in Russian)
Roman POCHEKAEV, Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Theory and History of Law and the State, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of Law and State, School of Law, HSE Campus in St. Petersburg). The massacre of Genghis Khan with Sacha-Beki and the beginning of the khan's justice (a comparative analysis of historical sources’ reviews) (in Russian)
CHULUUN S., Doctor of History, Secretary General of International Association of Mongolian Studies, Head of the Institute of History and Archeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Information about newly found fragments on birch bark from Mongolia (in Russian)
Alla SIZOVA, Junior Researcher at the IOM RAS. Unique Mongolian fortune-telling book from Khara-khoto (in Russian)
Tatiana SKRYNNIKOVA, Doctor of History, professor, Head of the Department of Central Asian and South Asian Studies at the IOM RAS. The evolution of the jasag concept at the political culture of the Mongols of XIII–XVII centuries (in Russian)
Tursun SULTANOV, Doctor of History, professor of the Department of Central Asia and Caucasus Studies, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU. Handwritten book of Central Asia (in Russian)
Vladimir USPENSKIY, Doctor of History, professor of the Department of Mongolian Studies and Tibetology, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU. About Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs of Mongolian origin at the collection of the IOM RAS (in Russian)
Alice SÁRKÖZI, PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
On the collection of Mongolian shamanic texts in funds of the IOM RAS (in Russian)
Tatiana YUSUPOVA, Doctor of History, Lead researcher, Section of History of the Academy of Sciences and research institutions, Institute of the History of Science and Technology.
From the history of the development of Russian-Mongolian contacts in field of science and research activity at the first half of the 20th century (in Russian)
Natalia YAKHONTOVA, Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher at the IOM RAS. Illustrated texts of the Mongolian Prajñāpāramitā (18th century) (in Russian)
Boris BAZAROV, Academician, Professor, Director of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS
Pavel GROKHOVSKY (Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of Mongolian Studies and Tibetology, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU)
Viktoria KUKANOVA (Candidate of Philology, Director of the Kalmyk Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Nina OCHIROVA (Candidate of Politology, Vice-President of the Society of Mongolists of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Badma SALAEV (Candidate of Pedagogy, Rector of the Kalmyk State University)
Anna TURANSKAYA (Candidate of Philology, Junior Researcher at the IOM RAS)
28 November 2018 (Wednesday), 14:30 – 17:00
Gorky House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Dvortsovaya emb., 26)
The problems, discussed at the Round table, concern the origin on various collections which were brought from China during the whole period of Russian-Chinese relations. Those materials were written in Chinese, as well as in the languages of various peoples of the Chinese empire, and reflect the history and culture of the rich civilization. Special attention will be paid to the documents from Dunhuang, Turfan, the Tangut collection from Khara-Khoto, as well as to the Manchu texts from the North-East of China. The leading scholars from Russia, China, Germany, Japan and Great Britain will share their scholarly results in the studies of the documents, archives, methods of preservation and digitalization of the documents.
Tatiana PANG, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Far East Department
Simone RASCHMAN, Dr., Göttingen Academy of Sciences — Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts. Digital Archives - achievements, Problems and the Future
Peter ZIEME, Professor, academic project Turfanforschung of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Joining fragments of Dunhuang and Turfan texts located in different collections and the ways of cooperation
Hartmut WALRAVENS, Dr., Berlin State Library, Director (ret.), Privatdozent, Free University of Berlin (ret.). Collections of Schilling von Cannstatt in the IOM RAS
Kirill Mikhailovich BOGDANOV, researcher, department of Archives and documents, IOM RAS.
Some facts from the history of formation of Asiatic Museum Tangut collection (in Russian)
SUN Bojun Dr., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The data of Bai yun zong from Khara-Khoto in the manuscript collection of the IOM RAS
NIE Hongyin, Prof., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (retired)
RONG Xinjiang, Prof., Peking University
ZHU Yuqi, Prof., Peking University
TAKATA Tokyo, emeritus professor, University of Kyoto, Fudan University
NAKAMI Tatsuo, Prof. Tokyo University of Foreign studies
DU Jianlu, Prof., Institute of Xi-Xia studies, Ningxia University
LIU Yi, Prof., dean of the History department, Normal University, Beijing
Lars Peter LAAMANN, Dr., History Department, SOAS, University of London, editor of the Central Asiatic Journal
Kirill Yurievich SOLONIN, Prof., Peking Renda University
29 November 2018 (Thursday), 10:30 – 12:30
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
(Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace, Dvortsovaya emb., 18, Green Hall)
In the complex process of development of human culture, the invention of a manuscript book played no less a role than the use and fabrication of instruments of labour. It was a manuscript book that became the most important medium providing continuity of the cultural values of the peoples of the East. The importance of a manuscript lies, first of all, in the knowledge and unique information it contains that sometimes can radically change established perceptions. Behind every manuscript stand not only mere humans — authors, scribes, artists, but the whole civilizations and nations including ones that left the historical scene long ago. Manuscript sources must be treated with special attitude, proper preparation, understanding of traditions and circumstances of their creation. Researcher can spend years of hard work clarifying one single phenomenon. Working with manuscript always requires great responsibility — from researchers, custodians, conservators. Participants of the round table are to share their experience and discuss the problems related to research and preservation of the manuscript culture of the East.
Irina POPOVA, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Director
Miruert ABUSSEITOVA, Correspondent Member, National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of Republican Information Center for the Study of Historical Materials
Vahan TER-GHEVONDIAN, Dr. Sc., Matenadaran Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts
Michael FRIEDRICH, Professor, University of Hamburg
Aviad STOLLMAN, Dr. of Sc., Head of the Collections, National Library of Israel
Alexey Ivanovich ALEXEEV, Dr. of Sc., Head of the Department of Manuscripts, National Library of Russia
Olga Valentinovna VASILYEVA, Head of the Sector of Oriental Collections, Manuscript department, National Library of Russia
Firdaus Gilmitdinovna HISAMITDINOVA, Professor, President of the Institute of History, Languages and Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Annagurban ASHYROV, Professor, National Manuscripts Institute of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan
Davut ORAZSAHEDOV, Professor, Director, National Manuscripts Institute of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan
Aibulat Valiyevich PSYANCHIN, Director of the Institute of History, Language and Literature of Ufa Federal Research Center, RAS
Victoria Vasilievna KUKANOVA, Director of Kalmyk Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Asiatic Museum – Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Guide / Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Asiatic Museum); Ed. by I.F. Popova. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literatura, 2018. 895 pp., ill. ISBN 978-5-02-039833-7 (in Russian)
The book elucidates the history of formation of the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences and contains its academic description. It is a guide to the funds of the Institute, that includes articles on its treasures and information about people, who worked in the Asiatic Museum — Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies — Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, or conducted research on its holdings. At present this collection is the largest in Russia and one of the most valuable in the world, along with the collections of the British Library and the National Library of France.
The collection of the IOM RAS contains more than 115 thousand manuscripts and old printed books in 65 living and ancient oriental languages including beautifully illustrated editions recognized as an integral part of the world cultural heritage.
Bolshakov O.G. Miniatures of the St. Petersburg Manuscript of the ‘Maqamat’ of al-Hariri. Edited by A.O. Bolshakov. St. Petersburg: ‘Slavia Publishers’, 2018. 256 pp., 177 illustrations. ISBN 978-5-9501-0274-5 (in Russian and English)
This unique medieval Arabic manuscript, which contains 96 miniatures, has often attracted the attention of researchers but has never before been subjected to such a thorough analysis. The publisher has investigated the features of the pictures and the composition of the miniatures, thereby disclosing yet another aspect of Arab artistic culture.
Al-Mufaddal al-Ju’fi. Proofs of the Divine creation and purposefulness of the world (Kitab al-Adilla ‘ala’l-khalq wa’l-tabdir). Facsimile of the manuscript. Introduction and indexes by S.M. Prozorov. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literatura, 2018. 24+176 с. (Written Monuments of the Orient. CLI). ISBN 978-5-02-039826-9 (in Russian)
Publication of Arabic manuscript “Kitab al-Adilla ‘ala’l-khalq wa’l-tabdir” by Al-Mufaddal al-Ju’fi (died before 183/799) from the collection of Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, is provided with introduction and indexes. This manuscript is of great historical and cultural interest since it was written in Kazan in 1775 and confirms the existence of Shi’i religious literature in predominantly Sunni community of Russian Volga region.
Vocabularies of Kyakhta’s pidgin / Translation from Chinese, publication, transcription, research and applications by I.F. Popova and Takata Tokyo. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literatura, 2017. 603 pp.: facsimile. (Pamyatniki pis'mennosti Vostoka, CL.) ISBN 978-5-02-036552-0 (in Russian and Chinese)
This is a publication of three unique handwritten dictionaries of the Kyakhta (Maimaicheng) pidgin: (A) from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), inv. C-59; (B) stored in the Eastern Department of the Scientific Library named after M. Gorky, St. Petersburg State University, inv. Xyl.F-56; (C) from the funds of the Scientific Library of the Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, inv. 53856. These written monuments, which had not previously attracted research attention, are valuable material for learning Russian-Chinese contact language, which was formed in the 18th century at the main border trading points of the Russian and Qing empires - Kyakhta and Maimaicheng and reflected the peculiarities of the state of the Russian and Chinese languages (including Shanxi dialect) contemporary to them, as well as the trade and cultural relations between Russia and China. The dictionaries of the Kyakhta’s pidgin that have survived to the present, in which Russian words are given in the Chinese script, are a unique source for studying both the disappeared and now existing contact languages.
Popova I.F. Pearls from the Chinese Collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. St. Petersburg: Kvarta, 2018. 158 p., ill. ISBN 978-5-89609-531-6 (in Russian and English)
With this album the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy, the main center for studying and preserving Oriental manuscripts and old-print books in Russia, introduces a wide readership and admirers of antiquity to the pearls of Chinese collections. The pearls represented here are precisely chosen since the extensive Chinese Collection of the Institute comprises the Dunhuang Collection (20,000 items), the NOVA Chinese Manuscript Collection (about 500 items), the Collection of Rubbings and the Blockprint Collection (3768 items). The edition is dedicated to the significant event of our history – the 200th anniversary of the Institute, which was founded as the Asiatic Museum on November 11 (23), 1818.
Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg – a scholar and organizer of science. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literatura, 2016. 477 pp., Ill. ISBN 978-5-02-039766-8 (in Russian)
The book consists of the materials of the international conference “Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg (1853–1934) – scholar and organizer of science”, which was held on September 26–27, 2013 in St. Petersburg. The conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding scholar was organized by the St. Petersburg Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg was one of the key figures in the history of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the first third of the 20th century: from 1904 to 1929 he held the post of Secretary Permanent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 1916–1934 he was the director of the Asiatic Museum and the Institute of Oriental Studies. The issue includes articles covering the diverse state, administrative, and international activities of Sergey Oldenburg, as well as works that characterize the importance of his academic discoveries for modern Oriental studies in the world.
Andreyev A.I. The Saint-Petersburg Buddhist temple in the photographs by Vladimir A. Sansero (1920–1924). From the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. St. Petersburg, 2017. 96 p. ISBN 978-5-901941-32-4 (in Russian and English)
The book is a photographic album with the views of the St. Petersburg Buddhist temple and its interior, taken, in the early 1920s, by V.A. Sansero. The album belongs to the archive of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. It is a historical record of the period when the temple, being ransacked, in 1919, was then restored by the representative of Tibet in Soviet Russia, Agvan Dorzhiev. The publication of Sansero’s photographs is preceded by an introduction by A.I. Andreev.
Dungans: history and culture: Russian pre-revolutionary works on Dungans / comp. by M.R. Madivan; ed. by O. I. Zavyalova; The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Asiatic Museum) of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literatura 2017. 335 pp. ISBN 978-5-02-039795-8 (in Russian)
The publication dedicated to various aspects of the history and culture of the Dungan people presents materials from the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries, the period when Russian Orientalists took their first, but already quite confident steps in the field of studying Chinese Islam and the Dungans. In the pioneer works of Archimandrite Palladius (P.I. Kafarov) and Academician V.P. Vasiliev for the first time were raised the questions of the history and origins of Chinese Islam, the characteristics of its adaptation to Chinese civilization, the transformation of traditions and ideas that had not lost their value to the present day. Of great interest is the detailed coverage in research works and notes of Russian eyewitnesses of the events of bloody Muslim uprisings of the 18–19th centuries in Northwest China. The records of the Dungans made by Russian ethnographers, linguists, and teachers during the 20th century have significant empirical value. Most of the works included in the collection were published in rare editions, the essays by F.V. Poyarkov and V.I. Tsibuzgin are published for the first time.
Islam in the Territories of the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopedic lexicon / compiled and edited by S. M. Prozorov. Vol. II. Moscow: Nauka — Vostochnaya literatura, 2018. 645 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039811-5 (in Russian)
“Islam in the Territories of the Former Russian Empire” encyclopedic lexicon was being published in the form of separate issues — in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2012 — in the process of data accumulation. In 2006, the augmented and emended entries of the earliest three issues were published as the first synoptic volume. The present, second synoptic volume includes the materials of issues 4th and 5th, which have been edited and augmented with new data, as well as the entries from the 6th issue that has been prepared earlier. The contributors of the entries are dozens of specialists from Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Kazan, Makhachkala, etc.), Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Germany, the USA, Ukraine, Turkey, Japan, the Netherlanda, France, etc. The material of the entries sheds light on the various forms in which Islam have existed in the lands of the former Russian Empire from the time of its formation to this day. The lexicon gives a thematic presentation of historical figures, places of cult, architectural monuments and written records, rituals, etc. The volume has a large number of illustrations and a set of extensive indices.
Myasnikov V.S. China — rolling stone. Moscow: Nauka, 2018. 470 pp. ISBN 978-5-02-040139-6 (in Russian)
The collection of works by Academician V. Myasnikov includes his articles in academic journals, speeches at congresses and conferences. All of them are united by a common problem: the development of Russian Oriental studies in universities and research institutes. The attention of readers will be attracted by such works of the author as the “First Russian Research Institute for China”. The article for the first time shows the activities of this institute and provides the key to the tragic fate of its employees. Another interesting article in this issue is “Chinese Tea in Russia”, which traces the four-century history of Chinese tea in our country: from first bringing it as a gift to the royal court to national tea tradition in the Soviet Union and modern Russia.
The works included by the author in this publication are his lively responses to the history and current state of Russia’s relations with the East. Academician V.S. Myasnikov is one of the world’s most outstanding specialists in this field.
Mongolica-XX / Ed. by I.V. Kulganek et al. St. Petersburg, 2018. 104 p. ISSN 2311-5939 (in Russian)
The 20th issue of the «Mongolica» journal is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Asiatic Museum (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Journal has the following sections: «Historiography, source study», «Literature, linguistics, culture», «The Archives of Orientalists», «Reviews» «Translations». Current issue consists of the following parts: «Historiography and Source Studies», «Literature, Folklore, Linguistics», «The Archives of Orientalists», «Reviews», and «Our Translations». It includes articles written by Russian and foreign scholars, the reports of the scientific activities in the field of Mongolian studies and translations made by Russian mongolists.
The papers are written in accordance with the major research priorities of the Mongolian studies with special regard to the matters of history and culture of the Mongolian ethnic groups, that gives the articles great social, historical and practical value.
Current issue will be of interest not only for the scholars in Mongolian studies, but also to the specialists in philology, history and culture, as well as to those interested in the history of Mongolian ethnic groups and Central Asia in general.
Countries and Peoples of the East. Vol. XXXVII. The State in the East. Ed. by I. F. Popova, I. V. Bogdanov. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literature, 2017. 327 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039782-8 (in Russian)
The newest issue of the serial edition is dedicated to the state in the East from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. It deals with a wide range of problems: the ruling elite, the organization of the administration, practical issues of regulation of law, bureaucratic awareness of officials, civilian positions and military ranks, features of the work of diplomatic departments and much more. The essays are grouped thematically into three large sections: Ancient East, China and Vietnam, Central Asia.
Written Monuments of the Orient, Volume 15, No. 1 (32), 2 (33), 3 (34), 4 (35), 2018.
The first Russian scholarly periodical on Oriental studies appeared 155 years ago. It was the Mélanges Asiatiques published by the Asiatic Museum in French. Later the Asiatic Museum — Institute of Oriental Studies — issued Notes of the Orientalists' Collegium, Notes of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academic Notes, Short Notes, etc. The new Journal is a continuation of Russian, particularly St. Petersburg/Leningrad, tradition of classical Oriental studies.
The main topics of the Journal are Publications, Research Works, Book Culture, Collections and Archives, Restoration and Storage, Academic Life, Reviews. The Journal publishes monuments of Oriental written culture from various manuscript collections, libraries, archives, museums at Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, source researches on history, literature, religion, culture, ethnography of the Orient from ancient times till our days. The Editorial Board is accepting articles on Oriental textology, information about various written materials, manuscript collections and depositories, problems of conservation and restoration. We consider important the information on current academic life and work of the institutions that deal with the study of written monuments of the East, on scientific conferences, symposia, dissertations, research plans and field expeditions. Much attention is paid to reviews of new Russian and foreign publications.
“Brush and Kalam. To the 200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS Collection”
State Hermitage Museum (Dvortsovaya emb., 34)
27 November 2018 — 24 February 2019
The exhibition “Brush and Qalam. 200 Years of the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts” displays the treasures of one of the largest collections of Oriental manuscripts in the world. It features more than 200 exhibits: manuscripts and blockprints from the holdings of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS as well as artefacts from the State Hermitage Museum related to the production and use of books. The exposition highlights the beauty of décor, the diversity and uniqueness of Oriental books. The presented material gives a unique insight into the variety of book forms that were in use among the peoples of the East on the vast territory from Europe to Japan in the course of the last two thousand years. A number of precious items from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts will be on display for the first time.
“Taoists on The Way to Immortality: On the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of The Asiatic Museum”
State Museum of the History of Religion (Pochtamtskaya ulitsa, 14)
29 November 2018 – 10 February 2019
The first exhibition in St. Petersburg dedicated to the Taoism, the one of the most important religions of China, presents the main ideas of this doctrine through the images of the Taoist devotees known as xian 仙 , usually translated as “saints” or “immortals”.
The exhibition is focused on one of the Asiatic Museum’s pearls, a richly illustrated manuscript entitled “Lives of the Immortals” (Liexianzhuan 列 仙 傳). It was created for the Imperial Library of the Qing royal house (1644–1911) and consists of more than 200 hagiographies, each written on a separate folio and accompanied by a portrait of its hero.
The exhibition features twenty leaves dedicated to both the legendary sages of antiquity and real historical figures. Each of these characters reveals one of the many facets of Taoism.
The subjects presented at the exhibition are accompanied by the objects from the Collection of the State Museum of the History of Religion, which allow visitors to get even closer knowledge of the wonderful world of Taoism.