Defence of the PhD Dissertation by A.E. Terekhov |
11/11/2016 |
On November 11, 2016, the PhD Dissertation by Anton E. Terekhov Perceptions about accomplished sages (sheng) in Chinese Apocryphas (chen wei) of the Western Han Epoch (25-222 A.D.) [Представления о совершенных мудрецах (шэн) в китайских апокрифах (чэньвэй) эпохи Восточная Хань (25—222 гг. н. э.)], was successfully defended. The PhD Dissertation supervisor - Dr. Yu.L. Kroll, IOM RAS.
The official opponents - Prof. Dr. S.V. Filonov, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, and Dr. S.V. Dmitriev, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.
The neutral organization - Moscow State University.
The PhD dissertation, its synopsis and all the reviews are available in Russian on the Russian version of the IOM web-site. |
Last Updated ( 10/12/2016 )