Defence of the PhD Dissertation by K.A. Bitner |
15/04/2016 |
On April 15, 2016, the PhD Dissertation by Kirill A. Bitner The Qumran Version of the 'Song of God's servant' (Sroll 1QISAA) as a Historical and Cultural source [Кумранская редакция «Песен Раба Господня» (свиток 1QISAA) как историко-культурный источник], was successfully defended. The PhD Dissertation supervisor - Prof. Dr. E.N. Meshcherskaya, St Petersburg State University.
The official opponents - Prof. Dr. A.B. Kovelman, Moscow State University, and Dr. Yu.K. Rogova, The State Museum of the History of Religion.
The neutral organization - Russian State University for the Humanities.
The PhD dissertation, its synopsis and all the reviews are available in Russian on the Russian version of the IOM web-site. |
Last Updated ( 10/12/2016 )