Monograph: Essays on Medieval Kurdish Literature |
30/09/2015 |
A new monograph is added: Rudenko М.В. Essays on Medieval Kurdish Literature / Preparation of the manuscript for publication, preface, comments, and indices by Zh.S.Musaelyan; Supplement: М.B.Rudenko. Materials and outlines for the lecture "The Kurds: Everyday life, customs, habits, and culture". St. Petersburg: Contrast, 2014. 280 p. (Asiatica). ISBN 978-5-4380-0088-4.
'Annotation', 'О научном наследии М.Б.Руденко', 'Введение', 'Summary', 'Contents' are published as a *.PDF file . Read more... |
Last Updated ( 30/09/2015 )