Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - May 29, 2013 |
08/07/2013 |
On May 29, 2013, the meeting of the academic seminar Text in the Cultures of the Orient was held by the Council of Young Scholars at the IOM RAS. The issue of the meeting was Paleographic Analysis of Eastern Texts.
Three presentations were submitted such as those by Dr. S.L. Burmistrov The Manuscript with Three Hymns Kept at the Indian Collection of the IOM RAS [Сборник из трех гимнов в составе Индийского фонда ИВР РАН]; by Dr. A.V. Zorin Codicological and Paleographic Aspects of the Research Into the Tibetan Scroll Дх-178, dated from the 12th to 13th Century [Кодикологический и палеографический аспекты исследования тибетского свитка Дх-178 (XII—XIII вв.)]; by M.V. Fionin The Illuminated Bible Manuscripts [from the 6th Century [Иллюминированные библейские рукописи VI века].
Abstracts of the accounts are available on the Russian version of the IOM's web page. |