Monograph: One Hundred And Eight Buddhist Icons Kept At The Institute Of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS |
19/12/2013 |
A new monograph is added: One Hundred And Eight Buddhist Icons Kept At The Institute Of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS [Сто восемь буддийских икон из собрания Института восточных рукописей РАН] / Compiled by A.Zorin, M.Iokhvin, L.Kriakina. Ed. by A.Zorin. Consultant A.Terentyev. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers, 2013. 240 p. 'Annotation', 'Введение', དཀར་ཆག།, 'Содержание' are published as a *.PDF file. Read more... |
Last Updated ( 19/12/2013 )