The card index of Egyptian personal names of the Middle Kingdom by Dr O.Berlev |
06/06/2013 |
- The card index of Egyptian personal names of the Middle Kingdom by Dr O. Berlev - The card index of Egyptian personal names of the Middle Kingdom is a part of the extensive system of personal card catalogues developed by Dr Oleg D. Berlev. He was indexing Middle Kingdom names from 1960s until the end of his life. The catalogues are kept at the Department of Ancient Eastern Studies, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. In this index, personal names attested in Middle Kingdom inscriptions and documents are filed alphabetically. The index was intended by Oleg D. Berlev for personal use. However, its publication may aid the study of Ancient Egyptian onomastics and Middle Kingdom monuments. Some parts of the index are lost. The cards with the names starting with f, d, ḏ are lacking; the names starting on b, p, m are partially lost. Altogether, 14837 index cards were digitized. The index was digitized by Alexander Ilin-Tomich under the auspices of Ivan V. Bogdanov, curator of Dr Oleg D. Berlev’s archives. The index is divided into a set of pdf files according to the initial consonants of Egyptian names. 01_A 02_j 03_jn 04_a 05_w 06_b 07_p 09_m 10_n 11_r 12_h 13_H 14_x 15_X 16_z 17_s 18_S 19_q 20_k 21_g 22_t 23_T |
Last Updated ( 06/06/2013 )