On July 5, 2012, the IOM RAS was visited by a representative delegation from the Republic of Iraq consiting of six people such as Dr Amira Eden, the Director General of the Iraqi National Museum, a member of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, Mr Khalil Abd ar-Rida ash-Shamri, the first secretary of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, Mr Maan Khalil Khusain, a high representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, officials of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Iraq. Dr Stanislav M. Prozorov, the IOM's Deputy Director, hosted the guests. With much interest they listened to the information on the history of the Institute, formation and contents of its mss collection. Dr Amira Edan, in response, told about huge losses Iraq's cultural heritage has suffered, during recent years. The delegation was shown the constant exhibition of the mss kept at the IOM RAS and a special exhibition of mss in Arabic script. The members of the delegation expressed their gratitude for the chance to get acquianted with the IOM's rich mss collection and deep interest in revival and development of contacts between Russian and Iraqi academic, educational and cultural institutes. PHOTOS The delegation at the IOM's Director's Office 

At the constant exhibition of mss kept at the IOM RAS 

At the special exhibition of mss in Arabic script kept at the IOM RAS 

Photos by S. Shevelchinskaya |