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Travels to the East 2011 Print E-mail

On March 12, 2012, at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, the Fifth Scholarly and Practical Conference Travels to the East 2011, was held. It was organized by the Department of Central Asian and South Asian Studies, headed by Dr S.G. Klyashtornyj, and the Department of Far Eastern Studies, headed by Dr T.A. Pang. The following presentations were submitted:

1. Dr Ks.V. Orlova, the Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, The Monastery of Manjushri in Mongolia [Монастырь Манджушри в Монголии]

2. Dr M.P. Petrova, St Petersburg State University, Once Again on Gobi [Еще раз о Гоби]

Camels in the Gobi, Mongolia

A camel breeders camp in summer. East Gobi Aymaq, Mongolia

The monument to D. Ravja in the city of Saynshand, Mongolia

Khamaryn Khiid Monastery. East Gobi Aymaq, Mongolia

3. Dr P.O. Rykin, the Institute of Linguistics, RAS, St Petersburg, & Dr N.S. Yakhontova, the IOM RAS, Travels to Western Parts of Central Mongolia [Путешествия в западные районы Центральной Монголии]

The ruins of Uvgun Khiid Monastery, Mongolia

Khar Bukhyn Balgas, Mongolia

4. Dr I.V. Kulganek, the IOM RAS, Lake Khövsgöl Region as a Land of Mongolian Songs [Прихубсугулье ― песенный край Монголии]

An evening in Lake Khövsgöl Region, Mongolia

The monument to Alan Goa, the mother of Genggis Khan, the valley of Arig Gol, Khovsgol Aymaq, Mongolia 

A View of Lake Khövsgöl Region, Mongolia

After rain in the region of Khatkhi, Mongolia

5. Dr S.V. Romanova, the Russian Ethnographic Museum, St Petersburg, The Ethnographic Expedition of the Russian Ethnographic Museum to the Tyva Republic [Этнографическая экспедиция РЭМ в Тыву]

A suburgan in Tyva

During the Nadym festival in Tyva

Participants of the Nadym festival in Tyva

The ova consecration rite

The evening milking

6. V.N. Mazurina, The State Museum of the History of Religions, St Petersburg, Nepal: The Country of the Live Goddess [Непал ― страна живой богини].

Vikramashila Vihara, Kathmandu, Nepal 

Kumari, the live goddess, Ratnakar Vihara, Patan, Nepal

Golden Gates, the Royal Palace, Bhaktapur, Nepal

7. Dr J.I. Elikhina, the State Hermitage, St Petersburg, presentation on her trip to Japan and the ethnographic village of Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture

The Ethnographic Museum at the Ethnographic Village of Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

A Shinto Shrine from the 17th century, the Ethnographic Village of Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

The Ethnographic Museum at the Ethnographic Village of Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

8. Dr V.V. Shchepkin, the IOM RAS, Some Ainu Cites in Hokkaido [Айнские места на Хоккайдо]

The demonstration of traditional Ainu dances at the Museum of Ainu Culture

Hokkaido Island in Winter

9. I.R. Katkova, the IOM RAS. The Sufi Brother hoods in Western Sumatra: According to Travels 2008-11 [Суфийские братства Западной Суматры (по материалам путешествий 2008―2011)].

The Mosque at Bukittinggi

Pasaman Timur, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Last Updated ( 24/07/2012 )
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