On March 21, 2012, at the Far Eastern Studies Seminar organized by the Department of Far Eastern Studies of the IOM RAS, Anthony E. Terekhov, a doctoral student at the IOM RAS, submitted his presentation, The Texts on Bamboo Plates from the Zhan-guo, Qin and Han Epochs, the 5th Century BCE through the 3rd Century CE [Тексты на бамбуковых планках периодов Чжаньго, Цинь и Хань (V в. до н. э. — III в. н. э.)]. In fact, the presentation was not only on texts on bamboo plates but rather on all the texts from the indicated period written on bamboo, wood (both planks and plates) and silk, discovered by archaeologists during the 20th to 21st century. Mr A. Terekhov listed the greatest discoveries of texts on bamboo, wood and silk for the recent decades, defined main forms and types of documents and thematic groups of texts with mentioning of the most important and characteristic examples. Moreover, he touched some other issues such as producing of the planks and writing tools, major calligraphic styles, some lexical and punctuation features of the texts. |