The best monographs published by the IOM’s researchers in 2011 were selected. The IOM’s awards were given to the authors of the following works: I O.G. Bolshakov. The History of Caliphate. IV: The Apogee and Fall of the Arab Caliphate. 695–750 [История Халифата. IV: Апогей и падение арабского Халифата. 695–750]. Moscow, Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers 2010. 367 p. V.A. Livshits. Parthian Onomastics [Парфянская ономастика]. St Petersburg Linguistic Society 2010. 400 p. II B.V. Norik. The Biobibliographic Dictionary of Central Asian Poetry. The Poets of Mawarannahr, from the 16th to the first third of 17th Century [Биобиблиографический словарь среднеазиатской поэзии. Поэты Мавераннахра (XVI— первая треть XVII вв.)]. Moscow, Mardjani Publishers 2011. 976 p. S.G. Klyashtornyj. The Runic Monuments of the Uyghur Khaganate and History of Eurasian Steppes [Рунические памятники Уйгурского каганата и история евразийских степей]. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers, 2010. 328 p. III M.I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. The Great Discoveries of the Russian Scholars in Central Asia [Великие открытия русских ученых в Центральной Азии]. St Petersburg, A. Golod Publishers 2011. 248 p. O.P. Shcheglova. The Lithographic Book Printing in Persian in Turkestan and Bukhara (1881-1918). Issues of research. The Repertoire of book publishing. The Comprehensive Catalogue of St Petersburg Collections [Литографическое книгоиздание на персидском языке в Туркестане и Бухаре (1881–1918 гг.). Вопросы изучения. Репертуар книгоизданий. Сводный каталог петербургских собраний]. St Petersburg, Nestor-istoriya Publishers, 2011. 246 p. Testament of the Sage Judah Ibn Tibbon to his Son Samuel Written in the Days of his Youth. Facsimile [Наставление мудреца Иуды Ибн Тиббона сыну Самуилу, сочиненное во дни юности оного]. Prolegomena, Critical Edition of the Text, Russian Translation from Hebrew, Glossary and Indexes by Sh. Iakerson. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers 2011. 200 p. |