Visit of Acad. E.M.Primakov |
04/07/2011 |
On June, 2011, Academician Evgeny M. Primakov, the ex-Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation during 1998-99, visited the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. The IOM's Director, Prof Dr Irina F. Popova guided the honored guest through a tour of the Museum of the History of Russian Oriental Studies founded at the IOM RAS and the exhibition of Oriental manuscripts kept at the Institute. Then, in the Green Hall of the IOM, Acad. E.M. Primakov met the Institute's researchers and, in the end, he signed the Distinguished Visitors Book. PHOTOS At the Museum of the History of Russian Oriental Studies 

Meeting in the Green Hall 

Collective photo (taken in the Green Hall) 

Photos by S.L. Shevelchinskaya |
Last Updated ( 04/07/2011 )