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Visit of the President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj Print E-mail

On June 1, 2011, the President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, visited the IOM RAS. Three special exhibitions representing Mongolian mss kept at the IOM RAS, its archival documents on the history of Russian Mongolian studies and Mongolist publications by the Institute's researchers were prepared for him. They were supplied with portraits of preeminent Mongolian scholars who had worked at the Institute or visited it. Prof Dr I.F. Popova, the IOM's Director, guided the President of Mongolia through the constant exhibition of mss and old printed books kept at the IOM.

The following day Mongolists from various academic centres of St Petersburg were invited to have breakfast with the President of Mongolia at the Strelna residence. Dr I.V. Kulganek, senior researcher at the IOM, and Prof Dr V.L. Uspensky, St Petersburg State University, were awarded the Nairamdal (Friendship) Medal by Ts. Elbegdorj. 


The IOM's Director, Prof Dr I.F. Popova meets the President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

The President of Mongolia observes the special exhibitions of Mongolian mss and archival documents on the history of Russian Mongolian studies kept at the IOM RAS

At the constant exhibition of mss and old printed books kept at the IOM RAS

Prof Dr I.F. Popova presents books and academic journals issued at the IOM, mainly on Mongolian studies, to the President of Mongolia, Ts. Elbegdorj

Ts. Elbegdorj delivers his salutatory speech to the IOM's academic staff who gathered at the Green Hall of the Institute

The IOM's Mongolists: Dr I.V. Kulganek, Dr T.D. Skrynnikova, T.Yu. Evdokimova

Dr I.V. Kulganek is interviewed by Mongolian TV

Photos by S.L. Shevelchinskaya

Last Updated ( 28/06/2011 )
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