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Dr A.Zorin's work at Tokyo Print E-mail

From September 17 to December 17, 2010, Dr Alezander V. Zorin worked at the International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, as a visiting researcher.

The Institute headed by Prof. F.Deleanu, is affiliated to the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, ICPBS, that is located, from April 2010, in Bunkyo-ku Ward in the new complex of buildings designed by the famous Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki. The Center for the Study of Eastern Manuscripts, headed by Prof. Toshinori Ochiai, is also affiliated to it.

During his stay in Japan, Dr A.Zorin took part in one of the sessions of the Center aimed at the digitizing of the rich collection of  Buddhist manuscripts, dated from 12th to 13th century, kept at the ancient Kongoji temple.

Moreover, Dr A.Zorin delivered a lecture at the ICPBS, entitled Buddhist Hymns in Tibetan literature: 8th - 14th Century, and visited some other centers of Oriental Studies such as Tokyo University, Toyo-bunko Library and Risso University.

At the end of his stay, Dr A.Zorin took part in the scholarly seminar during which Prof T.Takata, Kyoto, and Y.Maruyama, Nagoya, delivered their lectures.


The Buildings of the ICPBS

Prof T. Ochiai during the work at Kongoji temple

Dr A. Zorin during the digitizing of manuscripts kept at Kongoji temple

Dr A. Zorin delivers his lecture (left); Dr A. Zorin with Prof J.Matsumura at the entrance of the ICPBS (right)

With Prof F. Deleanu

With Sh. Hori, the Vice-President of the IIBS

With Prof K. Fujii (University of Sapporo) at his Buddhist temple in Tokyo

Prof T. Takata delivers his lecture

Dr A. Zorin with the researchers at the Center for the Study of Eastern Manuscripts

Street near the ICPBS. a Simoist

Text & photos supplied by Dr A. Zorin

Last Updated ( 06/01/2011 )
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