Dunhuang Studies: prospects and problems for the coming second century of research International conference September 3-5, 2009 St. Petersburg, Russia, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, Dvortsovaya naberezhnaya, 18, Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace Third circular For the moment the preliminary program of the Conference includes the abstracts of 74 presentations received by the Organizing Committee before December 31, 2008. The invitations for 49 participants have been issued and sent. Accommodation for the Conference participants has been reserved in single or double rooms at the hotel «St. Petersburg» (Pirogovskaya naberezhnaya, 5/2, www.hotel-spb.ru), and at small hotels within the walking distance of the Institute. On the days of the Conference the transportation will be organized for the participants from the hotel “St Petersburg” to the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. Thanks to the support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange the Organizing Committee will provide lodging and meal for the Conference speakers during 3 working days of the Conference. It is assumed that participants will be arriving and getting registered at their hotels starting from September 2, 2009, and will be staying till September 6, noon. If you need to come earlier or depart later, please consult the organizers beforehand by e-mail (popova@orientalstudies.ru, frants@spios.nw.ru). The accommodation for accompanying persons and guests shall be provided by themselves. Regrettably, the Organizing Committee has no opportunity to provide the international transportation for the Conference participants. The Conference will be started with opening ceremony on September 3, 2009, Thursday, at 10.00 a.m. in the Green Hall of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS, Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace. The finalized program will be available a few days before the Conference. |