Meeting of the Academic Council - May 18, 2009 |
20/05/2009 |
On May 18, 2009, at the meeting of the Academic Council the IOM's guest, a historian of St Petersburg, N.P.Ozerkova (the Institute of the History of Arts) gave a report entitled Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich and His Palace on the Neva. N.P.Ozerkova gave an account of the history of the building activities on the spot where the Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace is now located, and counted names of its owners. Her special attention was paid to the family tree of the family of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, and the role of his descendents in the history of the Imperial Russia. N.P.Ozerkova stressed the fact that the building is included into Russian architectural heritage protected by the federal government. The Academic Council also affirmed for the publication two monographs such as - Dr V.M.Rybakov. The T'ang Beaurocracy. Pt 1. Genesis and Structure [Танская бюрократия. Ч. I. Генезис и структура]
- Dr I.I.Nadirov. Essays on the Religion of North Aravian Tribes, from the 1st through 6th Centuries CE. Heathen Sources of Islam. Pt I [Очерки религии североаравийских племен (I–VI вв. н.э.). Языческие истоки ислама. Ч. I].
Last Updated ( 21/01/2010 )