Meeting of the Academic Council - July 2, 2008 |
02/07/2008 |
On July 2, 2008 at the meeting of the Academic Council Dr O. Chunakova gave a report entitled The Pahlavi Manuscripts from the E. West collections kept at the IOM’s Archives of the Orientalists. Here is the abstract of the report: - The principal subject: the contents and history of the formation of the E.West collection at the IOM's Archives of the Orientalists.
- A short account of the academic biography of E. West. He was born in London in 1824, graduated from Technical College, then was dispatched to Bombay. There he became interested in Zoroastrianism which stimulated his further studies and collections of Oriental manuscripts.
- He entered into correspondence with Dr K. Salemann who later purchased a part of the E. West collection for the Asiatic Museum after the death of the collector. At the moment the manuscriptsare kept at the Archives of the Orientalists as part of the E. West collection, while the books are kept at the academic library of the IOM.
- The E. West collection contains a number of copies of many Zoroastrianian manuscripts, just a part of which was ever published.
- In general, the heritage of E. West has retained its academic significance up to present.
Last Updated ( 08/08/2008 )