On May 21-23, 2007 in London the British Library and the IDP held the 7th International Conference on the Conservation of Dunhuang and Central Asian Collections. The senior restorer of the IOM L.Kryakina took part in the conference with the paper entitled Analysis and Conservation of Tangut Manuscripts and Wood Printing Books from The Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. THE CONSERVATION OF DUNHUANG AND CENTRAL ASIAN COLLECTIONS 7TH IDP CONSERVATION CONFERENCE THE BRITISH LIBRARY LONDON, 21-23 MAY 2007 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME DAY ONE - 21 May 2007 10:00 Welcome Introduction – Susan Whitfield 10:10 “IDP London – Current Developments” - (IDP Staff) 10:20 “The Palaeography of Tibetan and Chinese Manuscripts” – Sam Van Schaik, IDP 10:30 “The Conservation of the Monumental Clay Statue of Nirvana Buddha from Ajina-Tepa (Tajikistan)” - Vera Fominikh, The State Hermitage Museum 10:50 “When Objects are Beyond Conservation: Recovering Visual Information from Damaged Artefacts” Sanchita Balachandran, Object Conservator, Canada 11:10 Coffee Break 11:40 “Analysis and Conservation of Tangut Manuscripts and Wood Printing Books from The Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences” - Liubov Kryakina, Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences 12:00 “TBA” - Virginia LLado Buisan, The National Maritime Museum 1 2:20 Discussion 13:00 Lunch Break 14:00 “Method for non-Destructive Fibres Analysis of Handmade Paper” - Anna-Grethe Rischel, The National Museum of Denmark 14:20 “The Scientific Study of Painting Materials of Buddhist Icon Fragments from Turfan” - Kamilla Kalinina, the State Hermitage Museum 14:40 TBA - Berry Knight, the British Library 15:00 “Two Golden Horde Textile Artefacts – Technical Examination and Conservation Problems” - Elena Mikolaychuk, The State Hermitage Museum 15:20 Coffee Break 15:50 TBA - Helen Persson, The Victoria and Albert Museum 16:10 “Textiles from the Stein Collection at the British Museum: Recent Conservation” - Monique Pullan, The British Museum 16:30 “Conservation of a Fragment of Silk from Turfan from the Album of the Archaeologist M.V. Berezovsky” - Elena Shishkova, the State Hermitage Museum 16:50 Discussion 18:00 Public Lecture DAY TWO – 22 May 2007 Workshops. Programme 1 - The British Library 9:00 TBA Kampta Prasad, National Museum New Delhi 9:20 “A New Approach to Restoration of Paper Based Cultural Assets in Japan” - Satoko Sakata, Sakata Bokujudo Ltd 9:40 “Expatiate on Conservation of Dunhuang Manuscripts” - Du Weisheng, National Library of China 10:00 “Analysis on the Conservation of the Manuscripts related to Daozhen” - Lin Shitian and Zhao Daying, National Library of China 10:20 “A Study on Standardisation for Conservation of Dunhuang Manuscripts” - Zhang Ping, National Library of China 10:40 Discussion 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 “ On the Recent Joint Research Among Ryukoku University, Lushum Museum and Other Japanese Institutions” - Mizumi Mitani, Ryukoku University 11:50 “Colour Classification of Ancient Documents by Self-Organising Maps” - S. Sakamoto, K. Murayama, Y. Okada, K. Enami, M. Mitani, Ryukoku University 12:10 “3-D Digital reconstruction of a Crest in Geido at West-Hongwanji in Kyoto” - Hisakazu Kawashima, Ryukoku University 12:30 Discussion 13:00 Lunch Break 14:30 Courtauld Institute Visit 15:10 TBA Sharon Cather 15:30 TBA Fan Jinshi 15:50 “Sogdian Influences on Art of the Northern Dynasties at Dunhuang”, Zhang Yuanlin, Dunhuang Academy 16:10 “Analysis of two Case Studies” - Francoise Cuisance, Bibliotheque Nationale de France 16:30 TBA Zhao Feng 16:50 “Scientific Analysis of Paper Specimens of the Ancient Uighur Documents and Manuscripts in the Otani Collection” – Kazuyuki Enami, Ryukoku University 17:30 Drink Reception Programme 2 – The British Library 9:00 Tour BL Storage Facilities 10:00 Visit Oriental Studio B with presentation 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Fibres Identification Workshop 13:00 Lunch Break 14:00 Fibres Identification Workshop 15:30 Tour BL Storage Facilities 16:30 Coffee Break 17:00 Visit Oriental Studio B with presentation PHOTOS: The view of the British Library, London:

Visiting the workshop for the restoration of Far Eastern manuscripts (senior restorer of the British Library M.Bernard - front): 
Preservation of Dunhuang scrolls at the British Library:
Photos by L.Kryakina |