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 Date Item Title Hits
05/10/2012 PPV 1(16), 2012 19366
19/09/2012 Monograph: Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing 11640
04/09/2012 Personalia: Zaytsev V.P. — renewal 8158
29/08/2012 Personalia: Liu Yi 6970
22/08/2012 Monograph: Dunhuang Studies: Prospects and Problems for the Coming Second Century of Research 9284
21/08/2012 Personalia: IWAO Kasuzhi 7384
20/07/2012 Personalia: Prozorov S.M. — renewal 7764
16/07/2012 Monograph: The 5th Orientalist Conference in Memory of Dr. O.O.Rosenberg. Proceedings of the Conference 11192
02/07/2012 Monograph: Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2012. No. 3 8965
18/05/2012 Monograph: Der Eine und das Andere 8075
18/05/2012 Monograph: Orta əsrlər şərqinin t arixşün asliği və mənbəşünasliği 9504
15/05/2012 Monograph: Talking about Dunhuang on the Riverside of the Neva 9113
11/05/2012 Monograph: The Chronicle 8833
10/05/2012 Paper: Reading the Mi'raj Account as a Theatrical Performance: The Case of Ma’arij al- Nubuvva 7811
08/05/2012 Personalia: Romanov M.G. 7491
05/05/2012 Personalia: Felek Ö. 7140
18/04/2012 Paper: Dreaming Hanbalites: Dream-Tales in Prosopographical Dictionaries 7265
15/04/2012 Personalia: Skrynnikova T.D. 7431
13/04/2012 Monograph: Dreams and Visions in Islamic Societies 8673
13/04/2012 Monograph: Monuments of Malay Book Culture from 15th to 17th Century 7868
21/02/2012 Personalia: Sizova A.A. 7277
17/02/2012 Personalia: Nosov D.A. 6587
10/02/2012 Personalia: Kozyreva N.V. 6718
06/02/2012 Paper: A Manuscript Codex Written in the Khitan Large Script from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences 7909
02/02/2012 Monograph: The Mirror of Past Centuries 8093
02/02/2012 Monograph: The Manichean Manuscripts from Eastern Turkestan. Middle Persian and Parthian Fragments 11820
31/12/2011 PPV 2(15), 2011 20207
16/11/2011 Monograph: Testament of the Sage Judah Ibn Tibbon to his Son Samuel Written in the Days of his Youth 11950
11/10/2011 PPV 1(14), 2011 20140
20/08/2011 Monograph: The System of Images in Classical Arabic Literature of the VI–XII Centuries 11441
20/08/2011 Personalia: Shidfar B.Y. 8802
20/08/2011 Monograph: Hadji Bektash Veli and the Sufi 8383
20/08/2011 Monograph: A Bio-bibliographical Dictionary of Poetry in Central Asia (XVI — first third XVII cent.) 10028
08/06/2011 Monograph: Works of the Orientalists during the Siege of Leningrad (1941-1944) 16249
05/06/2011 Personalia: Bayevsky S.I. 9822
05/05/2011 Personalia: Popova I.F. — renewal 8404
11/04/2011 Monograph: Mongolica-IX 9300
31/03/2011 Monograph: The History of Caliphate. Vol. 4 10497
31/03/2011 PPV 2(13), 2010 18153
26/03/2011 Personalia: Zorin A.V. — renewal 11314
23/03/2011 Monograph: The History of the Ancient and Medieval States adjacent to China (from the Huns to the Manchu) 10527
23/03/2011 Monograph: Śabdaprakāśa. Proceedings of the Zograph Readings 1 7389
22/03/2011 Personalia: Redina M.A. 6912
16/03/2011 Personalia: Khalatian B.J. 7043
16/03/2011 Personalia: Yulgusheva A.Kh. 7408
02/03/2011 Personalia: Vakhtin B.B. 7402
01/03/2011 Personalia: Shchepkin V.V. 7839
12/02/2011 Paper: The Leningrad/St. Petersburg School of Scientific Islamology 8504
28/01/2011 Monograph: Methods of Historical Study of an Isolating Language with Hieroglyphic System of Writing 7134
28/01/2011 Monograph: Middle Chinese (a structural typological description) 6925
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