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 Date Item Title Hits
03/01/2025 PPV 21/4 (59), 2024 73
29/12/2024 WMO, vol. 10, No. 2(21), 2024 82
13/12/2024 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVII, No. 4 108
13/12/2024 Monograph: The Verb in the Sogdian Language (manuscripts from Eastern Turkestan and Dunhuang kept at the IOM RAS) 83
05/11/2024 Monograph: Materials for five textbooks of Japanese cursive writing (USSR, 1946–1971): text, translation, vocabulary 105
30/10/2024 Monograph: History and Culture of Ancient Egypt in the Mirror of Inscriptions: Monuments and Their Fates 68
11/10/2024 Personalia: Lekareva E.P. 89
26/09/2024 PPV 21/3 (58), 2024 102
13/09/2024 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVII, No. 3 73
11/09/2024 Personalia: Smirnova A.M. 96
09/09/2024 Personalia: Yanushkevich Y.Y. 94
02/07/2024 WMO, vol. 10, No. 1(20), 2024 143
25/06/2024 Paper: Preliminary study of a manuscript fragment 105
25/06/2024 Paper: Tibetan Buddhism practice of the great seal 150
21/06/2024 PPV 21/2 (57), 2024 116
19/06/2024 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVII, No. 2 125
30/05/2024 Monograph: Laws of the peoples of China and Central Asia: In memory of Evgeny Ivanovich Kychanov (1932‒2013). Personal recollections and studies (research on law history) 121
05/04/2024 PPV 21/1 (56), 2024 258
17/03/2024 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVII, No. 1 259
12/02/2024 Paper: An Oirat Fragment of the Śatasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sutra in the Collection of IOM, RAS 373
12/02/2024 Paper: On the Formation of the Oirat Versions of one Sang Dedicated to the White Old Man 207
08/02/2024 Paper: Three Fragments of an Oirat Sungdui in the Collection of the IOM, RAS 217
08/02/2024 Monograph: The “Sutra of the White Old Man” in “Clear Script”: research, translation, transliteration, commentaries, facsimile 242
12/01/2024 Monograph: Japanese Guides to Epistolary Writing: Five Manuals of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries 237
11/01/2024 Monograph: The Family Precepts of Early Tang Emperors 265
04/01/2024 WMO, vol. 9, No. 2(18), 2023 321
26/12/2023 PPV 20/4 (55), 2023 333
19/12/2023 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVI, No. 4 282
27/11/2023 Monograph: Japanese antiquity (research on history and law) 408
06/11/2023 WMO, Vol. 9, Supplement (19), 2023 572
06/11/2023 Paper: E.I. Kychanov’s Translation of the “Revised and Newly Approved Code of the Heavenly Prosperity Reign” in the Context of the Development of Modern Translation Studies 512
06/11/2023 Paper: On the Tangut Version of the Abhisamayālaṁkāra Series Preserved at the IOM RAS 393
06/11/2023 Paper: A Study of the Fragment Инв. No.7887–1 as a Supplement to Tiansheng lüling 489
06/11/2023 Paper: Kychanov’s Study of the Tiansheng Law from the Perspective of Vocabulary Translation and Interpretation 519
06/11/2023 Paper: The Preface to the Shiwang Jing: An Early Legend of Revival 513
06/11/2023 Paper: A Study on the Chinese Manuscript “Eight Gross Transgressions” (Bazhong Cuzhong Fanduo 八種粗重犯墮) from Khara-Khoto 373
06/11/2023 Paper: New Translations of Some Tangut Words 356
06/11/2023 Paper: Tangut-Chinese Elements in the 12th Century Dialect of Hexi 368
06/11/2023 Paper: The Mixed Homonymic Characters: Procedures for Primary Teaching as Recommended by the Tanguts 344
06/11/2023 Paper: The Tangut Dictionary by E.I. Kychanov and the Study of the Shapes of the Tangut Script 393
06/11/2023 Paper: Pilgrimage in Western Xia: Research on Tangut Wall Inscriptions in the Mogao and Yulin Caves 356
06/11/2023 Paper: Nikolai Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō, and the Lost “Extended Manual” of Tangut Characters with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses 350
06/11/2023 Paper: A Portrait of State Preceptor Xibi Baoyuan: Case Study of Identification 330
06/11/2023 Paper: To the Blessed Memory of Professor Kychanov 271
02/11/2023 Monograph: Ioannesyan, Y. А. The Shaykhi religious school: historical subjects, teachings (Including publication of manuscript samples) 449
08/10/2023 Monograph: A Different Gospel III. Gnostic Scriptures of the Second and Third Centuries and Some Problems of Early Christianity 402
26/09/2023 Publication: Mongolica. Vol. XXVI, No. 3 441
24/09/2023 Publication: The Age of Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg in the Russian Academy of Sciences : International Conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg (1863–1934). Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2023 : Abstracts 348
19/09/2023 PPV 20/3 (54), 2023 409
04/07/2023 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVI, No. 2 463
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