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 Date Item Title Hits
23/06/2023 WMO, vol. 9, No. 1(17), 2023 744
22/06/2023 Monograph: Cults and Practices of Early Korean Buddhism in the Narratives of Samguk yusa 467
22/06/2023 PPV 20/2 (53), 2023 545
30/03/2023 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXVI, No. 1 567
28/03/2023 PPV 20/1 (52), 2023 521
19/01/2023 Publication: 53rd Annual Meeting Permanent International Altaistic Conference. July 25–30, 2010. Saint-Petersburg, Russia : Unknown treasures of the Altaic world in the libraries, archives and museums : Abstracts. 599
25/12/2022 PPV 19/4 (51), 2022 736
13/12/2022 WMO, vol. 8, No. 2(16), 2022 639
04/12/2022 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXV, No. 4 724
03/11/2022 Personalia: Stary G. 922
26/10/2022 Personalia: Belkina E.M. 853
12/10/2022 Personalia: Anofrieva D. 827
05/10/2022 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXV, No. 3 920
16/09/2022 PPV 19/3 (50), 2022 880
20/08/2022 PPV 19/2 (49), 2022 1206
19/08/2022 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXV, No. 2 1030
12/07/2022 WMO, vol. 8, No. 1(15), 2022 1052
24/06/2022 Publication: Tangut studies: Prospects and problems for the 21st century : International conference in memory of Evgeny I. Kychanov (1932–2013). Saint Petersburg, June 23–24, 2022 : Abstracts 1085
31/03/2022 Paper: Sādhanā of Vajravārāhī Found in a Tibetan Manuscript from Khara-Khoto Preserved in Saint Petersburg 1024
17/03/2022 PPV 19/1 (48), 2022 1281
14/03/2022 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXV, No. 1 1363
30/12/2021 WMO, vol. 7, No. 2(14), 2021 1355
30/12/2021 Paper: The Heike Monogatari Hyōban Hidenshō Commentary in the Edo Period: Discussion, Criticism, and Education 1325
30/12/2021 Paper: A Rediscovered Syriac Amulet from Turfan in the Collection of the Hermitage Museum 1077
30/12/2021 Paper: Miscellanea in the Brāhmī Script from the Berezovsky and Krotkov Collections (IOM, RAS) with an Appendix: ВФ-4190 1150
22/12/2021 PPV 18/4 (47), 2021 1218
07/12/2021 Monograph: “The Wish-Fulfilling Precious Gem”: the “Gzungs bsdus”and “Mdo mang” Collections in the History of Tibetan Literature 1772
04/12/2021 Paper: Ivan Minayev and “Heart of Darkness”: an Indological dimension of J. Conrad’s tale 1272
04/12/2021 Mongolica. Vol. XXIV, 2021, No. 4 1312
19/11/2021 Monograph: “What is the Proper and the Improper”: Traditions and Customs of the Late Zoroastrianism 966
13/11/2021 Monograph: Mongolia — Russia: The Age of Independence — The Age of Cooperation 931
03/11/2021 Paper: Preface to the Indexes to the Great Chinese Botany Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao 植物名實圖考 of Wu Qijun 吳其濬 974
03/11/2021 Paper: Miscellany on the Tumshuqese Documents: Part II 889
03/11/2021 Paper: The Golden Poluo in Sogdiana: An In-depth Analysis of the Suishu and Tongdian Passages 1168
03/11/2021 Paper: The Earliest Extant Example of Woodblock Printing: the Precept Certificate of the 29th Year of Kaiyuan (741 A.D.) 1026
03/11/2021 Paper: Chinese Stories of Filial Piety in Tangut Literature 835
03/11/2021 Paper: On the Tangut Prefix 2da:- 793
03/11/2021 Paper: Sound Changes to Avoid Using Taboo Characters 741
03/11/2021 Paper: Two Remarks on the Toyoq Caves and Abita Qur “Abita Cave” 730
03/11/2021 Paper: A Buddhist Technical Term in Christian Sogdian 1074
03/11/2021 Paper: New Traces of Old Uighur Vinaya Literature 843
03/11/2021 Paper: Maitreya and the Religious Situation according to Two Old Uighur Poems of Yuan Dynasty. Edition of SI 4485 and SI 4958 682
02/11/2021 Paper: The Newly Identified Saint Petersburg Manuscript of the Collection of Songs by the 6th Dalai Lama: the Text 982
02/11/2021 Paper: Some Critical Remarks on the Book “Russian Orientalism” by the Canadian Slavist David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye 730
15/10/2021 PPV 18/3 (46), 2021 1161
02/09/2021 Personalia: Badmaev B.B. 2130
02/09/2021 Monograph: Tibetology in St. Petersburg. Collected papers. Issue 2 2106
30/08/2021 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXIV, 2021, No. 3 1833
06/08/2021 Monograph: A Tale of a Colophon: An Essay in the History of Hebrew Poetry and Book Printing 1384
05/07/2021 Personalia: Bonch-Osmolovskaya O.A. 887
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