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11/07/2015 Paper: The First Tibetan Leaves Acquired by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences: Conservation Issues, Contents and Paper Analysis 2883
11/07/2015 Paper: Ritual Funeral Text Tang 665 from the Tangut Collection of IOM, RAS 2702
11/07/2015 Paper: Fragments of dhāraṇī Blockprints from Khara-Khoto (Serindian Fund of IOM, RAS) 2947
11/07/2015 Paper: On the Design of a “Trebuchet” in the Tangut Manuscript of IOM, RAS 3016
11/07/2015 Paper: Greek Manuscript D-227 from the Collection of IOM, RAS. An Archeographical Analysis 2941
11/07/2015 Paper: A Further Fragment of the Old Uighur Qianziwen 3066
15/06/2015 Paper: A Newly Identified Fragment of the Tibetan Royal Annals in St. Petersburg 3252
11/06/2015 Monograph: Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia. The St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments. Volume I 2976
04/06/2015 Monograph: Ozar Sepharad: Sephardic Treasury. Sephardic Books from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century. From Manuscripts to Printed Books 2900
07/05/2015 Monograph: Manuscripts and Woodblock Prints in Asian Languages at the Scientific Library of Saint Petersburg State University 3301
15/04/2015 Personalia: Kamalov A.K. 2679
07/04/2015 Paper: Uyghur Memoir Literature in Central Asia on Eastern Turkestan Republic (1944—49) 2872
07/04/2015 Paper: Uyghur Studies in Central Asia: A Historical Review 2859
07/04/2015 Paper: Sino-Uighurica: Revisiting the Uighur runic inscriptions and the T'ang sources 3093
02/04/2015 PPV 2(21), 2014 2338
31/03/2015 PPV 1(20), 2014 2443
27/03/2015 Paper: Manchu Collections in Paris 2738
25/03/2015 Paper: A Historical Sketch of the Study and Teaching of the Manchu Language in Russia (First part: up to 1920) 2675
20/03/2015 Monograph: Transactions of the Archives of Orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS - No. 1 (2011) 3538
06/03/2015 Monograph: Fifty Years in the East. The Memoirs of Wladimir Ivanow 3606
06/03/2015 Monograph: Words of Power. Ḥurūfi Teachings between Shi’ism and Sufism in Medieval Islam. The Original Doctrine of Faḍl Allāh 3073
06/03/2015 Monograph: Translating the Qur'an in an Age of Nationalism. Print Culture and Modern Islam 3104
06/03/2015 Monograph: Scripture, Poetry and the Making of Community. Reading the Qur'an as a Literary Text 2640
06/03/2015 Monograph: Tafsīr and Islamic Intellectual History. Exploring the Boundaries of a Genre 2652
02/03/2015 Monograph: Muslim Manuscripts: Quantitative Methods of Research. Selected articles 3024
28/02/2015 Monograph: Mongolica-XIII 3250
22/02/2015 Paper: New Acquisition of the Japanese Manuscript and Wood-block Printed Books Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS 2562
22/02/2015 Paper: Omens in Celestial Phenomena. On a Manchu Manuscript 2706
22/02/2015 Paper: A Manchu-Mongolian Diploma Given to the Wife of a Mongolian Nobleman 3153
22/02/2015 Paper: The First Mongolian Manuscript in Germany Reconsidered 2873
22/02/2015 Paper: Tangut Documents from Khara-Khoto concerning Loans of Grain 2797
22/02/2015 Paper: The Exegesis of Kṣemarāja on the Vijnānabhairava-tantra: Observations on the Śiva-Devī Tantric Dialogue 2969
22/02/2015 Paper: The Zoroastrian Manuscript in the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Short Reference and Structure) 2538
22/02/2015 Paper: Pahlavi Epistolary Formulae 2526
21/02/2015 Paper: Fragments of the Old Uighur Maitrisimit nom bitig in St. Petersburg, Helsinki, and Berlin 3439
12/02/2015 Personalia: Terekhov A.E. 2887
04/02/2015 Monograph: The 5th Orientalist Conference in Memory of Dr. O.O.Rosenberg. Proceedings of the Conference — renewal 3767
03/02/2015 Personalia: Gusarova E.V. 3105
03/02/2015 Monograph: Mongolica-XII 2991
13/01/2015 Paper: A Dunhuang Document on the Division of Property from the Serindia Fund of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS 3188
29/12/2014 WMO, 1(1), 2015 4001
28/12/2014 Monograph: Tibetology in St. Petersburg. Collected papers. Issue 1 3715
27/12/2014 Monograph: Collected papers in memory of O.O.Rosenberg 3905
16/11/2014 Paper: Historic-Philosophical Method as a Way of Interpreting a Concept of Brahman in the Early Vishishta-Advaita School 3441
16/11/2014 Paper: Lines of Development of the Tibetan Editions of Gzungs Bsdus Collection First Printed in the Rtag Brtan Monastery Founded by Tāranātha 3081
27/10/2014 Paper: Depictions of Tributaries of the August Qing and Hyacinth Bichurin’s First Album 3454
27/10/2014 Monograph: East Asian Studies: Festschrift in Honor of the Retirement of Professor TAKATA Tokio 3636
20/10/2014 Personalia: Helman-Ważny A. 3462
09/10/2014 Personalia: Lobova E.S. 3229
08/10/2014 PPV 2(19), 2013 2890
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