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07/04/2018 Personalia: Kozintcev M.A. 3551
06/04/2018 Paper: Sacred gifts... 3369
06/04/2018 Personalia: Gerasimov I.V. 3127
25/02/2018 Paper: Mediaeval Mongol Documents from Khara Khoto and East Turkestan in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies 4509
17/02/2018 PPV 14/4 (31), 2017 3291
17/02/2018 PPV 14/3 (30), 2017 3373
20/12/2017 Paper: The Late Jurchen (Early Manchu) Helmet of the Second Half of the 1610s to the Mid-1630s from the Collection of the Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin 3603
15/12/2017 Monograph: Essays on History of Russian-Iranian Relations (end of XVI - early XX cc) 2013
14/12/2017 Monograph: The Catalogue of Texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon Kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Vol. 1: Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur 1995
14/12/2017 Monograph: The Saint-Petersburg Buddhist temple in the photographs by Vladimir A. Sansero 1986
09/12/2017 Monograph: Mongolica-XIX 3039
07/12/2017 Monograph: The Turko-Mongol World: Past and Present 2852
03/12/2017 Monograph: Z.K.Kasyanenko – Teacher and Mongolist 3190
20/09/2017 Paper: On the Collection of Sādhanās by Ching Sudjugthu Lobzang Norbu Sherab 3725
22/08/2017 Personalia: Vladimirtseva A.A. 2987
07/08/2017 Monograph: Wind from the North. Russia and Ainu in 18th century Japan 4040
02/08/2017 PPV 14/2 (29), 2017 3804
15/06/2017 Personalia: Fionin M.V. 3708
09/06/2017 Paper: Tibetan Buddhist Texts Acquired by the Russian Academy of Sciences during the 18th Century 4199
20/05/2017 Monograph: Mongolica-XVIII 4011
19/05/2017 Seminar in memory of A.A.Freiman 2017 3906
17/05/2017 PPV 14/1 (28), 2017 3768
14/04/2017 Personalia: Turanskaya A.A. 3498
09/04/2017 Paper: Birth of Uyghur National History in Semirech'ye 3683
17/03/2017 Monograph: The Catalogue of Mongolian Folk Materials in the Orientalists’ Archives at the Saint Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences) 3818
07/03/2017 Monograph: "A Different Gospel". II. Christian Gnostics of the Second and Third Centuries: Their Belief and Texts 4015
01/03/2017 Monograph: The Catalogue of Tangut Buddhist Texts 4235
01/03/2017 [Review:] Anton Schiefner (1817–1879) und seine indologischen Freunde... 3457
01/03/2017 [Review:] Catalogue of Japanese Manuscripts and Rare Books 4277
01/03/2017 [Review:] The Last Crusade in the West... 4791
01/03/2017 WMO, 1(5), 2017 3571
05/02/2017 PPV 13/4 (27), 2016 3678
04/02/2017 PPV 13/3 (26), 2016 3878
04/02/2017 Paper: Les chiffres coptes dans les manuscrits arabes, chrétiens et musulmans 4415
03/02/2017 Monograph: Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (IOM) St. Petersburg — Russia. Vol. XI 3940
19/01/2017 Paper: Proposal to encode one historical Mongolian letter for Buryat Mongolian 3891
19/01/2017 Monograph: Описание маньчжурских рукописей и ксилографов СПбФ ИВ РАН. Выпуск 2 — renewal 3470
17/01/2017 Monograph: Catalog of Jewish Manuscripts in the Institute of Oriental Studies 3685
10/01/2017 Monograph: Mongolica-XVII 3769
09/12/2016 Monograph: Ars Islamica. In Honor of Stanislav Mikhailovich Prozorov 4360
18/11/2016 The introduction to the IOM Tibetan Collection revised 3945
13/11/2016 Paper: On the Rare Mongolian Edition of the Tibetan Gzungs bsdus Collection 4030
14/10/2016 Paper: Re-examination of the Tangut Fragment Or. 12380/3495 from the Collection of the British Library 4010
13/10/2016 Paper: Discussion of 29 proposed Khitan Small Script characters 4083
10/09/2016 PPV 2(25), 2016 3455
21/07/2016 Monograph: Serge Elisseeff s Order of the Sacred Treasure 4171
21/07/2016 Monograph: History of Hadramawt in Antiquity 4017
21/07/2016 Monograph: The Persian Dialect of Herat 4150
21/07/2016 Monograph: Lêgerîna Zaza 4242
19/07/2016 Monograph: From Letter to Type. Essays on the History of the Medieval Hebrew Book 4271
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