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03/10/2019 PPV 16/3 (38), 2019 1073
05/09/2019 Paper: About an Early Attempt to Translate the Tengyur from Tibetan to Mongolian 1155
05/09/2019 Paper: The Status of Tibet In the Seventeenth – Early Eighteenth Centuries: A Mongolian Perspective 1114
05/09/2019 Paper: Rivalry of the Descendants of Chinggis Khan and His Brother Khasar as a Factor in Mongolian History 1174
04/09/2019 Paper: About an Attempt to Use the Cyrillic Alphabet for the Mongolian Language 1062
04/09/2019 Paper: [Review:] The Dalai Lama and the Emperor of China... 2984
18/07/2019 Monograph: The Catalogue of Texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon Kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Vol. 2: Indexes 1349
28/06/2019 PPV 16/1 & 2 (36 & 37), 2019 1422
24/05/2019 Paper: Collection of Manuscripts and Xylographs in the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan 1530
24/05/2019 Paper: The Imperial Patent of the Kangxi Period in the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences 1124
24/05/2019 Paper: Who Conquered Spain? The Role of the Berbers in the Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula 1140
24/05/2019 Paper: The Concept of Dravya in Yogācāra and Vaiśeṣika: a Comparative Philosophical Analysis 1082
24/05/2019 Paper: A Newly Identified Kuchean Fragment of the Hariścandrāvadāna Housed in the Russian Collection 1054
24/05/2019 Paper: A Dunhuang Tibetan Manuscript of “Ārya-samādhyagrottama” Kept at the IOM, RAS 1171
24/05/2019 Paper: A Contrastive Survey of Genres of Sanskrit and Tocharian Buddhist Texts 1318
24/05/2019 Paper: A Manuscript of the Mongolian Folk Tale “About old Borontai” from the IOM, RAS Collection 1111
24/05/2019 Paper: Portraits of Qing meritorious officers in the collection of the State Hermitage: scroll restoration and revised reading of the texts 1002
24/05/2019 Paper: The Jin’gangjing zuan 金剛經纂 in Old Uighur with Parallels in Tangut and Chinese 1322
24/05/2019 Paper: A Sogdian Manichaean Parable 1047
24/05/2019 Paper: SI 3662 and SI 3663 — two wedge-shaped Kharoṣṭhī documents from Niya in the Petrovsky Collection 1192
24/05/2019 Paper: The Scribal Hands of the Er nian lü ling Manuscript Unearthed from Zhangjiashan Han Tomb No. 247 1085
24/05/2019 Paper: Symbolism of sovereignty in the context of the Dzungar campaigns of the Qianlong emperor 1029
24/05/2019 Paper: Fragments of Tibetan Texts Refound at the Dunhuang Collection Kept at the IOM, RAS: Eleven Identified Fragments of Buddhist Canonical Texts 1069
24/05/2019 Paper: An Embryonic Saint. Interpretation of an Old Uighur Fragment in the Serindia Collection at the IOM, RAS 979
24/05/2019 Paper: Sogdian letter fragments in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, St. Petersburg 1008
24/05/2019 Paper: A forgotten Manichaean Sogdian bifolio in Sogdian script 1010
24/05/2019 Paper: Hebrew Palaeotypes in the Collection of the St. Petersburg IOM, RAS 917
24/05/2019 Paper: An Old Uighur Receipt Document Newly Discovered in the Turfan Museum 875
24/05/2019 Paper: SI 3656 and other Kuchean tablets related to the Kizil grottoes in the St. Petersburg Collection 835
24/05/2019 Paper: Turfan Manuscripts in the State Hermitage — a Rediscovery 870
18/04/2019 PPV 15/4 (35), 2018 2733
17/04/2019 Paper: [Review:] Mandschurische Handschriften und Drucke im Bestand der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 2867
17/04/2019 Paper: [Review:] Eine buddhistische Kritik der indischen Gotter 2733
17/04/2019 Paper: [Review:] Fond etnograficheskogo otdela Russkogo muzeia po kul’ture narodov zarubezhnogo Vostoka 2680
17/04/2019 Paper: [Review:] “Novye zakony” tangutskogo gosudarstva 2647
17/04/2019 Paper: [Review:] Etiudy o liudiah nauki 2402
17/04/2019 Paper: [Review:] The Secret History of the Mongols. A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century 2435
27/03/2019 Monograph: Archival Materials on Mongolian and Turkic Peoples in Russian Academic Collections. Conference papers — renewal 1407
26/03/2019 Monograph: The Vedānta Manuscripts Kept in the Indian collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences: An Annotated Catalogue 1178
05/03/2019 Monograph: Tract on the calligraphers and painters 1154
05/03/2019 Paper: On the Numbering of Quires in the Christian Sogdian and Syriac Manuscript Fragments in the Turfan Collection (Berlin) and the Krotkov Collection (St. Petersburg) 1234
05/03/2019 Paper: ‘Like a Virgin’: A Sogdian Recipe for Restoring Virginity and the Sanskrit Background of Sogdian Medicine 1328
05/03/2019 Paper: Short Survey on Sogdian Manuscriptology 1142
05/03/2019 Paper: Middle Iranian Manichaean Manuscripts. Interpretation and Identification 1188
05/03/2019 Paper: Some Сodicological Remarks on the Сorpus of the Berlin Turfan Manichaean Sogdian Manuscripts in Manichaean Script: among Books, Glossaries, Letters, Booklets, Bilingual and Trilingual Texts, Normal, Bold and Cursive Script 1236
01/03/2019 Paper: One of the First Samples of Cursive Tibetan in European Collections 1465
23/02/2019 Paper: WMO 2(8): Introduction 1256
23/02/2019 WMO, 2(8), 2018 1225
10/02/2019 Monograph: Mongolica-XXI 1222
28/01/2019 PPV 15/3 (34), 2018 1331
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