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 Date Item Title Hits
16/09/2020 Paper: A Document from Tangut Regarding the Lease of a Bakery 926
16/09/2020 Paper: A Unique Tangut Primary Reader "Brief Collection by Taizong" kept in the IOM RAS 986
30/08/2020 Paper: Language and Extra-linguistic Reality in Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya 1322
30/08/2020 Paper: Paśyantī, Pratibhā, Sphoṭa and Jāti: Ontology and Epistemology in the Vākyapadīya 1035
30/08/2020 Paper: Antinomy of one and many in Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya 1101
15/08/2020 Publication: Mongolica. Vol. XXIII, 2020, No. 1 1134
11/08/2020 Personalia: Desnitskaya E.A. 960
25/07/2020 Paper: Keynote: Tibetan Studies in Saint Petersburg: Past and Present 972
25/07/2020 Paper: Józef Kowalewski’s Studies on the History of Catholicism in China 914
21/07/2020 Monograph: Biography and Academic Legacy of Orientalist Józef Kowalewski (Based on Materials from Archives and Manuscript Collections) 933
07/07/2020 Paper: Tibetan Manuscript on Birchbark from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS 1020
05/07/2020 Monograph: Tibetan Historical Literature — renewal 952
03/07/2020 PPV 17/1 (40), 2020 888
01/07/2020 Paper: On a Lost Mongol Book and Its Uigur Version 867
30/06/2020 Monograph: Uigurische Sprachdenkmäler 979
18/06/2020 Paper: A Rare Tibetan Version of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā in Mongolia 919
09/05/2020 Personalia: Zieme P. 927
06/05/2020 WMO, 2(10), 2019 922
06/05/2020 Paper: Schilling von Canstadt and His Correspondence with Julius Klaproth in the IOM 1031
06/05/2020 Paper: The Miniatures and Texts in the Е 28 Album from the IOM, RAS 990
06/05/2020 Paper: Tocharian B Manuscripts in the Berezovsky Collection (2): Five More Fragments 958
06/05/2020 Paper: The Layman İndu and an Old Uighur Poem 1061
06/05/2020 Paper: Old Uyghur Blockprint of Sitātapatrā Dhāraṇī in the Serindia Collection of the IOM, RAS 1314
06/05/2020 Paper: On the History of the Formation and Processing of the Collection of the Tibetan Texts from Khara-Khoto Kept at the IOM, RAS 959
28/04/2020 Paper: Old Tibetan and Mongolian Collections in the Libraries of St. Petersburg 961
08/04/2020 Personalia: Ikeda Daisaku 920
07/04/2020 Monograph: The Lotus Sutra and Its World. Buddhist Manuscripts of the Great Silk Road. Catalog 952
23/03/2020 WMO, 1(9), 2019 976
23/03/2020 Paper: [Review:] Manuscripts of Vedānta School in the collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of RAS: annotated catalogue 968
23/03/2020 Paper: [Review:] Brush and Qalam: 200 years of the collection of the Institute of Oriental manuscripts. Exhibition catalogue 896
23/03/2020 Paper: Two Mongolian Official Papers Dated by the 19th c. 1085
23/03/2020 Paper: The Development of Sibe Ethnic Awareness: With Special Consideration of the Sibe People of the Ili River Basin 1297
23/03/2020 Paper: On the Fragment of the Naran-u Gerel Catalogue Preserved in IOM, RAS 933
23/03/2020 Paper: Vyākaraṇa as a Method of Rational Cognition in the Buddhist Written Sources 968
23/03/2020 Paper: Brāhmī glosses of the Uygur blockprint of Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī kept in the IOM, RAS 940
23/03/2020 Paper: Notes on a Manichaean Turkic Prayer Cycle 936
19/03/2020 Paper: The Dynasty of the Achaemenids in the Early Period 921
18/03/2020 Personalia: Popov V.A. 786
06/03/2020 Monograph: From Letter to Type. Essays on the History of the Medieval Hebrew Book — renewal 845
20/02/2020 PPV 16/4 (39), 2019 874
11/01/2020 Personalia: Jankowski-Diakonoff A.I. 987
31/12/2019 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXII, 2019, No. 2 1068
25/12/2019 Personalia: Mesheznikov A.V. 977
28/11/2019 Paper: Tibetan studies in Russia: a brief historical account 1047
18/11/2019 Monograph: The History of the Median Kingdom, 7th to 6th century BCE 1072
16/11/2019 Monograph: The Sacred Books of Zoroastrianism 1013
15/11/2019 Monograph: Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference of Iranian Studies: Volume 1 928
28/10/2019 Personalia: Walravens H. 1015
26/10/2019 Monograph: Neue Rückschau auf ein arbeitsreiches Leben 1042
12/10/2019 Monograph: Mongolica. Vol. XXII, 2019, No. 1 1223
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