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 Date Item Title Hits
10/02/2008 Monograph: Central Asian Law 9355
10/02/2008 Paper: The Administrative and Legal Regulations of the Tang Emperors for the Frontier Territories 9708
09/02/2008 Monograph: Use of aspect-tense verbal forms in Akkadian texts of the Hammurapi period 9824
09/02/2008 Paper: A parallel to the Second Commandment in the inscriptions of Raybun 9344
09/02/2008 Paper: Regulation of Conjugal Relations In Ancient Raybūn 10061
09/02/2008 Monograph: Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. Tome 6 9859
08/02/2008 Paper: Epigraphic evidence for the cult of the god Sīn at Raybūn and Shabwa 9832
06/02/2008 Personalia: Frantsouzoff S.A. 10017
06/02/2008 Personalia: Guryeva A.A. 9500
06/02/2008 Personalia: Rybakov V.M. 9649
06/02/2008 Personalia: Tortchinov E.A. 9273
05/02/2008 Personalia: Kozlov P.K. 9291
05/02/2008 Personalia: Krapivina R.N. 10043
05/02/2008 Personalia: Kolosova A.A. 11580
05/02/2008 Structure of the IOM - the Archives of the Orientalists 15092
05/02/2008 Structure of the IOM - the Department of Far Eastern Studies 12691
04/02/2008 Personalia: Popova I.F. 9994
04/02/2008 Personalia: Zorin A.V. 9212
04/02/2008 Personalia: Vostrikov A.I. 9788
08/09/2006 Awards of Dr S.Klyashtornyj 9609
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