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07/06/2015 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by E.Budaeva 7837
01/06/2015 Fourth St. Petersburg Seminar on Tibetan Studies 9290
26/05/2015 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by Dr. T.B.Arapova 7692
23/05/2015 The 2015 Seminar in Memory of A.A.Freiman 7739
23/05/2015 The 36th Seminar in Memory of G.A. Zograph 7437
19/05/2015 Sixth Conference on Ibadism and Oman 8916
15/05/2015 Workshop “Serindica: New Materials, New Approaches” 7281
06/05/2015 Discussion of Habilitation Dissertation by Dr. N.Aleskerova 7808
28/04/2015 Conference to the 70th Anniversary of the Great Victory 7484
17/04/2015 Seminar on South Eastern Religious Ideologies - presentation by Dr. T.V.Ermakova 6511
17/04/2015 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by M.V.Fionin 6958
09/04/2015 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by Dr. V.I.Sisauri 6510
07/04/2015 Discussion of monograph by Dr. O.G.Bolshakov 6764
06/04/2015 The Conference of Young Arabists 2015 (information letter) 8011
02/04/2015 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by A.Terekhov 6306
27/03/2015 Travels to the East 2014 6675
27/03/2015 Discussion of book of Proceedings of the International Conference in memory of B.Y. Vladimirtsov 5909
27/03/2015 Seminar of the Section of South Asian Studies - lecture by S.Kh.Shomakhmadov 5658
13/03/2015 Conference dedicated to the 100th Birth Anniversary of K.B.Starkova 7549
05/03/2015 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by Dr. A.Sokolov 6234
05/03/2015 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by A.Sizova 6623
14/02/2015 Iranological Conference In Memory of Dr. O.F.Akimushkin 8136
14/02/2015 Conference "Turko-Mongol World: Past and Present" 7496
09/02/2015 Discussion of monograph by Dr. V.Shchepkin 6188
08/02/2015 Seminar of the Section of South Asian Studies - meeting in memory of Dr. V.Rudoi 6054
05/02/2015 Seminar "Oriental Texts: Historical and Philological Approach" - workshop by Dr. A.Guryeva 6528
02/02/2015 Discussion of monograph by Dr A.Khismatulin 6864
23/01/2015 Seminar of the Section of South Asian Studies - lecture by E.S.Bushuev 6622
22/01/2015 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by Dr. K.Marandjian 6688
12/01/2015 International Conference Dedicated to the Centenary of I.M.Diakonoff (program) 11498
28/12/2014 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by Dr. A.Zorin & A.Sizova 7486
16/12/2014 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by Dr. M.Kravtsova 6800
14/12/2014 Conference "The Turko-Mongol World: Past and Present" (information letter 1) 8341
08/12/2014 Discussion of the monograph by Dr. I.Kulganek 7856
08/12/2014 Lecture by Dr. S.Neveleva 6864
04/12/2014 Workshop “Serindica: New Materials, New Approaches" (program) 7864
26/11/2014 Annual IOM Academic Session 6894
25/11/2014 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by A.Yulgusheva (2) 7523
19/11/2014 The Eighth Seminar in Memory of O.O.Rosenberg 7661
18/11/2014 International Conference on the Missionaries in the Far East 9744
12/11/2014 Discussion of monograph by Dr. I.Bogdanov 8418
25/10/2014 Seminar of the Section of South Asian Studies - lecture by Dr. V.Ivanov 7206
21/10/2014 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by S.Sidorovich 7054
21/10/2014 Discussion of monograph by Dr. Y.Ioannesyan 8639
20/10/2014 Discussion of monograph by Dr. S.Burmistrov 9296
15/10/2014 Discussion of the book of proceedings of the Sixth Dorjiev Conference 10281
08/10/2014 Third St Petersburg Seminar on Tibetan Studies 7022
03/10/2014 Discussion of monograph by Dr. R.Krapivina and Dr. J.Boltach 8468
01/10/2014 International Conference on B.Y.Vladimirtsov as a Preeminent Mongolist of the 20th Century 9205
27/09/2014 Discussion of monograph by Dr. I.Kulganek 8487
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