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 Date Item Title Hits
20/09/2021 Meeting of the Academic Council: presentation by I.F. Popova (28.09.2021) 3279
09/09/2021 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars: presentation by N. Kuzmin 3499
07/09/2021 Discussion of the collective monograph edited by I.V. Kulganek and T.I. Yusupova 3473
06/09/2021 The 31st EAJRS Conference (program) 4157
05/07/2021 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: talk by A. I. Jankowski-Diakonoff (07.07.2021) 2233
19/06/2021 Discussion of the edited collection "Tibetology in St. Petersburg. Issue 2" 2227
18/06/2021 Public Lectures at the IOM RAS: V.A. Vetyukov – June 23, 2021 2198
17/06/2021 Current Issues of Buddhological Studies — 11 2174
17/05/2021 Freiman Readings – 2021 (program) 2189
17/05/2021 The 42nd Seminar in Memory of G.A. Zograph 2212
14/05/2021 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: the honouring of V.S. Myasnikov and his talk (24.05.2021) 2202
13/05/2021 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by M.V. Fionin (19.05.2021) 2130
29/04/2021 Extended meeting of the Academic Council: "Oriental studies: teachers and students" (12.05.2021) 2283
23/04/2021 The 4th International Armenian Studies Conference (program) 2787
21/04/2021 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by A.Yu. Lushchenko 2159
14/04/2021 The 43rd Annual Session of Saint Petersburg Arabists: in memory of Prof. O.G. Bolshakov (program) 2389
10/04/2021 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: talk by A.V.Andronov (14.04.2021) 2290
07/04/2021 The 5th International Conference “Cultural Heritage of the Mongols” 3614
02/04/2021 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar LVI – presentation by M.E. Kravtsova 2121
30/03/2021 Near Eastern seminar: presentation by V.N.Semenova (07.04.2021) 2125
25/03/2021 The 31st EAJRS Conference (information) 3285
19/03/2021 Travels to the East 2021 2128
19/03/2021 Meeting of the Academic Council - March 24, 2021 2164
15/03/2021 Discussion of monograph by S.L. Burmistrov 1999
15/03/2021 6th Academic Conference of Young Orientalists 3059
06/03/2021 Current Issues of Buddhological Studies - 10 2253
01/03/2021 Meeting of the Academic Council - March 3, 2021 2132
14/02/2021 Iranological Conference In Memory of Prof. O.Akimushkin 2974
09/02/2021 Second International Codicological Conference 2758
14/12/2020 Conference dedicated to 170th Anniversary of Birth of C.H.Salemann 2921
08/12/2020 The Ninth St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar 2308
08/12/2020 Discussion of The Catalogue of the Old Uyghur manuscripts and blockprints 2652
04/12/2020 Annual IOM Academic Session - 2020 2365
23/11/2020 Second International Conference in memory of J. Kowalewski 4808
23/11/2020 Conference "Far East: Traditions and Modernity' 4631
12/11/2020 The Fourteenth Seminar in Memory of O.O.Rosenberg 2618
09/11/2020 Conference "Sources on Ainu History: Research and Preservation Issues" 5428
09/11/2020 42nd annual session of St. Petersburg Arabists (Program) 2510
04/11/2020 Meeting of the Academic Council - November 9, 2020 2476
29/10/2020 Discussion of monograph by Dr. J. Boltach 2282
19/10/2020 Discussion of The Catalogue of Texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon Kept at the Institute of Oriental 2629
02/10/2020 Discussion of monograph by Dr. R.N. Krapivina. 2315
26/09/2020 Discussion of monographs by S.L. Burmistrov 2365
02/07/2020 Meeting of the Academic Council - July 6, 20120 2698
28/06/2020 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by M.V. Fionin 2619
18/06/2020 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by A.A. Sizova 2683
14/05/2020 The 41st Seminar in Memory of G.A. Zograph 2983
14/03/2020 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar - presentation by A.V. Zorin and A.A. Sizova 2685
29/02/2020 5th Academic Conference of Young Orientalists 3836
28/02/2020 Meeting of the Council of Young Scholars - presentation by O. Bonch-Osmolovskaya 2797
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