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07/02/2023 The Fifth International Conference "The Turko-Mongol World: History and Culture" (programme) 1485
03/02/2023 Second International Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” (information letter) 1196
30/01/2023 Diakonoff Readings (information letter) 1196
25/01/2023 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council (30.01.2023) 1349
23/01/2023 The 6th International Conference “Cultural Heritage of the Mongols” (information letter) 1444
16/01/2023 The 45th Annual Session of St Petersburg Arabists (information letter) 1219
10/01/2023 Iranological Conference In Memory of Prof. O. Akimushkin 1606
10/01/2023 The 8th Conference of Young Orientalists “China and Its Neighbours” (information letter) 1477
23/12/2022 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council (28.12.2022) 1262
21/12/2022 The Fifth International Conference "The Turko-Mongol World: History and Culture"(information letter) 1398
01/12/2022 Annual IOM Academic Session 2022 (program) 1438
30/11/2022 Public Lectures at the IOM RAS: documentary film “The Dot” – December 7, 2022 1538
25/11/2022 The conference “Expeditions to the Ainu lands” (program) 1567
23/11/2022 The Eleventh St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar (program) 1432
21/11/2022 International Conference “Sixth St.Petersburg readings in Mongolian Studies” (program) 1800
20/11/2022 International Academic Conference “Russia’s International Relations under Peter the Great” (program) 1522
18/11/2022 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: a talk by Y.A. Ioannesyan (23.11.2022) 1376
17/10/2022 Meeting of the Department of Far Eastern Studies and celebration in honour of V.N. Goreglyad 1554
13/10/2022 The Sixteenth Seminar in Memory of O.O.Rosenberg (information letter) 1436
12/10/2022 The Eleventh St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar (information letter) 1447
04/10/2022 Sixth St.Petersburg readings in Mongolian Studies (information letter) 1552
22/06/2022 Conference “Tangut Studies: Prospects and Problems for the 21st Century” (program) 3329
20/06/2022 Academic Conference “Peter the Great and the East” (program) 3436
26/05/2022 Academic Conference “Peter the Great and the East” (information letter) 3524
26/05/2022 Conference “Tangut Studies: Prospects and Problems for the 21st Century” (information letter) 3490
14/05/2022 Freiman Readings 2022 (program) 2088
13/05/2022 43rd Zograph Readings (program) 2083
15/04/2022 First All-Russian Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” (program) 2613
06/04/2022 The 44th Annual Session of St Petersburg Arabists (program) 2139
24/03/2022 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar: presentation by T. V. Ivchenko 2231
24/03/2022 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: report by D.A. Nosov (28.03.2022) 2354
10/03/2022 Current Issues of Buddhological and Indological Studies — 12 (conference program) 2588
02/03/2022 The 7th Conference of Young Orientalists “China and Its Neighbours” (programme) 2690
21/02/2022 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: report by I.V. Kulganek (28.02.2022) 2209
08/02/2022 Iranological Conference In Memory of Prof. O. Akimushkin - 2022 (programme) 2879
17/12/2021 First All-Russian Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” (information letter) 3071
10/12/2021 Annual IOM Academic Session 2021 (programme) 2475
06/12/2021 Round table: 80 years since Alisher Navoiy’s 500th anniversary in the besieged Leningrad (programme) 2481
19/11/2021 The conference “The Ainu: Between Russia and Japan” (programme) 3650
16/11/2021 The Fifteenth Seminar in Memory of O.O.Rosenberg (programme) 2216
10/11/2021 Discussion of the collective monograph edited by N.V. Yampolskaya and N.S. Yakhontova 2125
09/11/2021 Discussion of the monograph by V.V. Shchepkin 2038
06/11/2021 The Second International Codicological Conference (programme) 3165
22/10/2021 Meeting of the IOM RAS Academic Council: talk by A.O. Bolshakov (29.10.2021) 2227
21/10/2021 Public Lectures at the IOM RAS: V.V. Shchepkin – October 27, 2021 2162
21/10/2021 The conference “Far East: Traditions and Modernity” (programme) 3122
18/10/2021 Roundtable meeting “Buddhism in Contemporary Russia” (programme) 2192
18/10/2021 The Tenth St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar 2291
18/10/2021 Discussion of the monograph by A.V. Zorin 2172
25/09/2021 The Far Eastern Studies Seminar: presentation by V.V. Shchepkin 3409
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